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Guava juice is known to be rich in antioxidant activity due a high level of vitamins A and C. However, tannins present in the guava juice form tannin–protein complexes that affect the utilization of vitamins and minerals and inhibit... more
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      Solid State FermentationGuavaTannaseTannic Acid
Present work deals with optimize the cultural condition and medium composition for enhancing the tannase production by Rhodoforula glutinis DB2 in submerged fermentation. A tannase-producing read yeast strain R. glutinis DB2 was isolated... more
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      YeastTannaseSubmerged FermentationRhodotorula glutinis
Aspergillus niger has been tested in a discontinuous process for the pretreatment of fresh green Processing Waste waters (TOPW). The influence of seven factors like incubation time, initial pH, dilution, glucose, agitation, (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringOptimizationAspergillus niger
Tannase is an industrially important enzyme produced by a large number of microorganisms. This study analyzed the production of tannase by Aspergillus sp. GM4 under solid-state fermentation (SSF) using different vegetable leaves (mango,... more
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      ChemistryFood ScienceBiological SciencesSolid State Fermentation
Summary The antioxidant activities of native- and tannase-treated green tea extracts along with their major polyphenol components were investigated. The polyphenolic content and composition of the tea before and after tannase treatment... more
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      AntioxidantsGreen TeaAntioxidantTannase
La tanino acil hidrolasa (E.C. conocida comúnmente como tanasa, es una enzima capaz de catalizar la hidrolisis de los enlaces tipo éster de los taninos hidrolizables, tal como lo es el ácido tánico (1-3), que al ser hidrolizado... more
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      Aspergillus nigerTannaseBioreactorsSolid State Cultivation
Tannin acyl hydrolase is an industrially important enzyme that is mainly used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. Tannase production was investigated using Aspergillus niger isolated from bark of tannin rich Acacia nilotica. Factors... more
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      ChemistryBiologyMicrobiology and BiotechnologyAspergillus niger
Aspergillus niger FBT1, a local extracellular strain for tannase production, was isolated from soil collected from Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve in Perak, Malaysia. This fungus strain was cultivated in an Erlenmeyer flask under a... more
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      MangroveAspergillus nigerTannaseSubmerged Fermentation
Guava juice is known to be rich in antioxidant activity due a high level of vitamins A and C. However, tannins present in the guava juice form tannin-protein complexes that affect the utilization of vitamins and minerals and inhibit... more
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      TechnologyBiological SciencesSolid State FermentationIndustrial microbiology
Even though tannase has wide applications it is still considered as novel and one of the costly enzymes. Recognizing the need of the hour it becomes important to isolate and develop potent tannase producing strains that can be used for... more
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      TannaseIsolation and Screening of bacteria and fungiTannase producing organisms