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Suicide risk and protective factors function for prisoners within the context of incarceration. The Culture and Protective Suicide Scale for Incarcerated Persons (CAPSSIP) is a tool designed to assess protective factors and cultural... more
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      CorrectionsProtective factorsSuicide Risk Assessmentcultural factors in suicide
Objective: Although a large number of risk markers for suicide ideation have been identified, little guidance has been provided to prospectively identify adolescents at risk for suicide ideation within community settings. The current... more
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      SuicideSuicide (Psychology)Suicide preventionSuicidal Ideation
Objetivos Caracterizar pacientes con intento suicida atendidos en Psiquiatría en la Unidad Primaria de Atención (UPA) La Estrella entre octubre-2004 y octubre-2005 y determinar la persistencia de ideación suicida, los factores asociados... more
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    • Suicide Risk Assessment
Background: Participants’ safety is the primary concern when conducting research with suicidal or potentially suicidal participants. The presence of suicide risk is often an exclusion criterion for research participants. Subsequently, few... more
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      PsychologyNursingSuicideRisk assessment
Revisão narrativa não-sistemática da avaliação de TMC e espectro depressivo com risco na atenção primária. O artigo dá ênfase na constituição de condutas, protocolos e linhas de cuidado no risco de suicídio no Brasil (Programa de Saúde da... more
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      Suicide preventionSuicide Risk AssessmentTreatment of Depression and Anxiety
Objetivos Caracterizar pacientes con intento suicida atendidos en Psiquiatría en la Unidad Primaria de Atención (UPA) La Estrella entre octubre-2004 y octubre-2005 y determinar la persistencia de ideación suicida, los factores asociados... more
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareColombiaImagination
Suicide is a global public health problem. Suicide is the major problem during confinement and imprisonment. All international studies show that suicide among prisoners has increased much more than the general population. Therefore,... more
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      SuicideSuicide preventionPrisonsInmates
Objetivos Caracterizar pacientes con intento suicida atendidos en Psiquiatría en la Unidad Primaria de Atención (UPA) La Estrella entre octubre-2004 y octubre-2005 y determinar la persistencia de ideación suicida, los factores asociados... more
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      Primary CarePrimary Health CareColombiaImagination