Structural Proof Theory
Recent papers in Structural Proof Theory
ABSTRACT: This paper contends that Stoic logic (i.e. Stoic analysis) deserves more attention from contemporary logicians. It sets out how, compared with contemporary propositional calculi, Stoic analysis is closest to methods of backward... more
Una presentazione molto sintetica e semplice dei problemi relativi alla traduzione tra i due sistemi di derivazione introdotti da Gentzen. Analizzo la proposta di traduzione avanzata originariamente da Gentzen e le modifiche proposte da... more
The present paper provides an analysis of the existing proof systems for dynamic epistemic logic from the viewpoint of proof-theoretic semantics. Dynamic epistemic logic is one of the best known members of a family of logical systems... more
We introduce a multi-type display calculus for Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL). This calculus is complete w.r.t. PDL, and enjoys Belnap-style cut-elimination and subformula property.
In this thesis we consider generic tools and techniques for the proof-theoretic investigation of not necessarily normal modal logics based on minimal, intuitionistic or classical propositional logic. The underlying framework is that of... more
Which modal logics can be 'naturally' captured by a sequent system? Clearly, this question hinges on what one believes to be natural, i.e. which format of sequent rules one is willing to accept. This paper studies the relationship between... more
We provide a direct method for proving Craig interpolation for a range of modal and intuitionistic logics, including those containing a "converse" modality. We demonstrate this method for classical tense logic, its extensions with path... more
Motivated by the fact that nearly all conditional logics are axiomatised by so-called shallow axioms (axioms with modal nesting depth ≤ 1) we investigate sequent calculi and cut elimination for modal logics of this type. We first provide... more
In this paper, we define a multi-type calculus for inquisitive logic, which is sound, complete and enjoys Belnap-style cut-elimination and subfor-mula property. Inquisitive logic is the logic of inquisitive semantics, a semantic framework... more
As part of a general research programme into the expressive power of different generalisations of the sequent framework we investigate hypersequent calculi given by rules of the newly introduced format of hypersequent rules with context... more
We show which implicational relations hold between the three principles ex falso quodlibet, tertium non datur, and double negation elimination, on the basis of minimal logic.
In the present paper, we introduce a multi-type display calculus for dynamic epistemic logic, which we refer to as Dynamic Calculus. The display-approach is suitable to modularly chart the space of dynamic epistemic logics on... more
We introduce a new Gentzen-style framework of grafted hypersequents that combines the formalism of nested sequents with that of hypersequents. To illustrate the potential of the framework, we present novel calculi for the modal logics K5... more
Using fundamental relationships in mathematics such as necessary conditions to root out fundamental relationships in mathematics such as foundations of set theory.
This thesis is mainly about Proof Theory. It can be thought of as Proof Theory in the sense of Hilbert, Gentzen, Sch\"utte, Buchholz, Rathjen, and in general what could be called the German school, but it is also influenced by... more
The present paper provides an analysis of the existing proof systems for dynamic epistemic logic from the viewpoint of proof-theoretic semantics. Dynamic epistemic logic is one of the best known members of a family of logical systems... more
We present cut-free labelled sequent calculi for a central formalism in logics of agency: STIT logics with temporal operators. These include sequent systems for Ldm, Tstit and Xstit. All calculi presented possess essential structural... more
The reduction of undecidable first-order logic to decidable propositional logic via Herbrand's theorem has long been of interest to theoretical computer science, with the notion of a Herbrand proof motivating the definition of expansion... more
University Of Aberdeen This paper explores how a semantics for Prior’s infamous connective tonk should be, a connective defined by inference rules that trivialize the logic of a deductive system if that logic is supposed to be transitive.... more
We introduce transformations between hypersequent rules with context restrictions and Hilbert axioms extending classical (and intuitionistic) propositional logic and vice versa. The introduced rules are used to prove uniform cut... more
The aim of this paper is to introduce and explain display calculi for a variety of logics. We provide a survey of key results concerning such calculi, though we focus mainly on the global cut elimination theorem. Propositional,... more
In the present paper, we introduce a multi-type display calculus for dynamic epistemic logic, which we refer to as Dynamic Calculus. The displayapproach is suitable to modularly chart the space of dynamic epistemic logics on... more
We introduce a multi-type display calculus for Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL). This calculus is complete w.r.t. PDL, and enjoys Belnap-style cut-elimination and subformula property.
This paper shows how to derive nested calculi from labelled calculi for propositional intuitionistic logic and first-order intuitionistic logic with constant domains, thus connecting the general results for labelled calculi with the more... more
On the verge of the 20th century, Charles S. Peirce was convinced that his Existential Graphs were the best form of presenting every deductive argument. Between 1900 and 1909, Peirce chose the scroll as a basic sign in his Alpha system... more
We introduce a display calculus for the logic of Epistemic Actions and Knowledge (EAK) of Baltag-Moss-Solecki. This calculus is cut-free and complete w.r.t. the standard Hilbert-style presentation of EAK, of which it is a conservative... more