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Recently, Forward Osmosis (FO) desalination process has been widely investigated as a potential technology that could minimize the drawbacks of traditional desalination processes. To review the past, current, and future research scope of... more
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      Energy ConsumptionModeling and SimulationWater DesalinationFertilizers
We tested whether granulocytes, which contaminate PBMC isolates after prolonged blood storage at room temperature, are responsible for inhibited T cell function in aged blood. We extend previous observations by characterizing these... more
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    • Statisctics
We present space-efficient algorithms for performing Pear-son's chi-square goodness-of-fit test in a streaming setting. Since the chi-square test is one of the most well known and commonly used tests in statistics, it is surprising that... more
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      Streaming AlgorithmsStatiscticsChi Square Test
Un vuelo de una compañía aérea tiene 200 plazas disponibles. La compañía ha estimado la probabilidad de que una persona que ha comprado un billete no se presente al embarque. El resultado es 0.03. Por este motivo, la compañía ha vendido... more
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      Research MethodologyQuantitative ResearchQuantitative MethodsStatisctics
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourist Behavior