Sports Injury, Anatomy and Psychology, Physical Activities
Recent papers in Sports Injury, Anatomy and Psychology, Physical Activities
A controlled cross-sectional study was performed to investigate whether regular sports activity in the form of playing tennis has an effect on the bone density of the lumbar spine and the neck of the femur. Bone density was measured by... more
This study investigated the attitudes and perceptions of physiotherapists working in professional soccer toward sport psychology intervention in injury rehabilitation. The Physiotherapist and Sport Psychology Questionnaire (Hemmings &... more
Objective: Previous researches on sports injuries primarily focused on specific games or sports or on specific types of injuries. None of them had tried to explore the injury patterns of games and sports altogether. The current study... more
Depression is common among athletes following sport injury, yet few studies have explored the severity of postinjury depression. Among those studies, only one examined gender differences although women in the general population are more... more