Spin Glasses
Recent papers in Spin Glasses
We have recently shown that BiFeO 3 has at least four different magnetic phases, contrary to the conventional wisdom. Below room temperature it undergoes spin reorientation transitions at T 2 ¼ 200 K and T 1 ¼ 140 K analogous to those in... more
In a pioneering work , Mézard and Parisi proved that methods from the theory of disordered systems at low temperature can be used to solve very difficult combinatorial optimisation problems, being possible to assign an energy to their... more
We study the properties of fluctuation for the free energies and internal energies of two spin glass systems that differ for having some set of interactions flipped. We show that their difference has a variance that grows like the volume... more
All higher-spin (s≥1/2) Ising spin glasses are studied by renormalization-group theory in spatial dimension d=3, exactly on a d=3 hierarchical model and, simultaneously, by the Migdal-Kadanoff approximation on the cubic lattice. The... more
We report the magnetic characterization of the Cr-doped layered dichalcogenide TiSe 2. The temperature dependent magnetic susceptibilities are typical of those seen in geometrically frustrated insulating antiferromagnets. The Cr moment is... more
The pyrochlore oxide (Ce IV 0.67 Na 0.33) 2 Ru IV 2 O 7 crystallizes directly as a phase-pure sample, without the need for postsynthesis annealing, from aqueous solutions of Ru 3þ , Ce 3þ , and sodium hydroxide in the presence of hydrogen... more
We report the bulk magnetic properties of a yet unexplored vanadium-based multi-valenced spinel system, Zn3V3O8. A Curie–Weiss fit of our dc magnetic susceptibility χ(T ) data in the temperature region of 140–300K yields a Curie constant... more
Measurements were made of in-situ X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility for a series of newly found ternary alloys CuMPt 6 with M=Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni. They possess, after appropriate heat... more
Research Program Outline: Technophysics: The Formal Study of Smart Networks and Complex System Criticality The aim of this research program is to formalize research regarding technophysics (the application of physics to the study of... more
We present a general formalism to make the Replica-Symmetric and Replica-Symmetry-Breaking ansatz in the context of Kikuchi's Cluster Variational Method (CVM). Using replicas and the message-passing formulation of CVM we obtain a... more
This paper develops the theory of affine Euler-Poincaré and affine Lie-Poisson reductions and applies these processes to various examples of complex fluids, including Yang-Mills and Hall magnetohydrodynamics for fluids and superfluids,... more
In this work we introduce and analyze the stochastic dynamics obeyed by a model of an immune network recently introduced by the authors. We develop Fokker-Planck equations for the single lymphocyte behavior and coarse grained Langevin... more
We propose an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for simulating a "hardlyrelaxing" system, in which many replicas with different temperatures are simultaneously simulated and a virtual process exchanging configurations of these replica is... more
The mean field spin glass model is analyzed by a combination of mathematically rigororous methods and a powerful Ansatz. The method exploited is general, and can be applied to others disordered mean field models such as, e.g., neural... more
By using a simple interpolation argument, in previous work we have proven the existence of the thermodynamic limit, for mean field disordered models, including the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, and the Derrida p-spin model. Here we... more
Magnetic phase transitions in the rare-earth intermetallic compound Nd 5Ge 3 have been investigated using a single crystal. Magnetic measurements confirm that Nd 5Ge 3 is in the antiferromagentic state below TN=51 K, in literature. An... more
We present a mean-field study of the magnetic phase diagram of Ni1-xMox and Ni1-xWx alloys. The pair energies that enter the internal energy part of the free energy are obtained from a first-principles calculation. We try to... more
For a very general class of probability distributions in disordered Ising spin systems, in the thermodynamical limit, we prove the following property for overlaps among real replicas. Consider the overlaps among s replicas. Add one... more
The spin-glass phase in the LiHo x Y 1−x F 4 compound is considered. At zero transverse field this system is well described by the classical Ising model. At finite transverse field deviations from the transverse field quantum Ising model... more
Unusual positive exchange bias found in Fe/CoOx nanoparticle bilayer films is correlated to a characteristic magnetic spin-glass (SG) in CoOx, with the SG magnetization coupled antiparallel with the Fe magnetization upon field cooling.... more
We propose the binding information as an information theoretic measure of complexity between multiple random variables, such as those found in the Ising or Potts models of interacting spins, and compare it with several previously proposed... more
We prove, that a CNN in which the parameters of all cells can be separately controlled, is the analog correspondent of a two-dimensional Ising type (Edwards-Anderson) spin-glass system. Using the properties of CNN we show that one single... more
With the aim of describing a general benchmark for several complex systems, we analyze, by means of statistical mechanics, a sparse network with random competitive interactions among dichotomic variables pasted on the nodes. The model is... more
The temperature (T )-shift protcol of aging in the 3 dimensional (3D) Edwards-Anderson (EA) spin-glass (SG) model is studied through the out-of-phase component of the ac susceptibility simulated by the Monte Carlo method. For processes... more
The presence of macroscopic phase separation into superconducting and spin-glass-like magnetic phases in LaFeAs(O 1−x F x) is demonstrated by muon spin rotation measurement in a sample near the phase boundary (x = 0.06). Both magnetism... more
We study point processes on the real line whose configurations X are locally finite, have a maximum and evolve through increments which are functions of correlated Gaussian variables. The correlations are intrinsic to the points and... more
Polycrystalline SrRu 1−x Mn x O 3 (0 x 1) perovskite oxides have been prepared by a conventional solid-state reaction technique. Magnetic and magnetotransport properties are measured using a superconducting quantum interference device... more
The mean field spin glass model is analyzed by a combination of mathematically rigororous methods and a powerful Ansatz. The method exploited is general, and can be applied to others disordered mean field models such as, e.g., neural... more
We propose a new method to compute the configurational entropy of glassy systems as a function of the free energy of valleys at a given temperature, in the framework of the Stillinger and Weber approach. In this method, which we call... more
Our measured dielectric constant and mechanical response of multiferroic BiFeO 3 indicate four phase transitions below room temperature. Features correlate with those reported at 50 K (from a peak in the zero-field-cooled magnetic... more
Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering (ENS and INS) experiments were performed on a single crystal of (Ni0.4Mn0.6)TiO3 (NMTO) to study the spatial correlations and dynamics of spins in the XY-like spin-glass (SG) state. Magnetization... more
We study the 3d Ising spin glass with ±1 couplings. We introduce a modified local action. We use finite size scaling techniques and very large lattice simulations. We find that our data are compatible both with a finite T transition and... more
The distribution of interaction fields of an Ising-like system, obtained by Monte Carlo entropic sampling is used for modeling the hysteretic behavior of patterned media made of magnetic particles with a common anisotropy axis; a variant... more
Measurements were made of in situ X-ray diffraction, electrical resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility for a series of newly found ternary alloys CuMPt 6 with M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni. They possess, after appropriate heat... more
We study the behavior of the fully connected Ising spin glass in a transverse field G at T ¼ 0 by exact diagonalization techniques. We find that the order parameter grows linearly with G c À G below G c : The exact diagonalization method... more
An outstanding open problem is whether collective social phenomena occurring over short timescales can systematically reduce cultural heterogeneity in the long run, and whether offline and online human interactions contribute differently... more
We study the problem of determining the Hamiltonian of a fully connected Ising Spin Glass of N units from a set of measurements, whose sizes needs to be O(N 2) bits. The student-teacher scenario, used to study learning in feed-forward... more
An analysis of Mn substitution in SrTiO 3 is performed in order to understand the origin of reported spin coupling in lightly Mn-doped SrTiO 3. The spin glass state magnetoelectrically coupled to the dipolar glass state has previously... more
We study the problem of determining the Hamiltonian of a fully connected Ising spin glass of N units from a set of measurements, whose sizes needs to be O(N2) bits. The student–teacher scenario, used to study learning in feed-forward... more
Let X ⊂ A Z d be a 2-dimensional subshift of finite type. We prove that any 2-dimensional subshift of finite type can be characterized by a square matrix of infinite dimension. We extend our result to a general d-dimensional case. We... more