Spatial voting
Recent papers in Spatial voting
According to standard rational choice theory, as commonly used in political science and economics, an agent’s fundamental preferences are exogenously fixed, and any preference change over decision options is due to Bayesian information... more
In this paper we provide an application-oriented characterization of a class of distance functions monotonically related to the Euclidean distance in terms of some general properties of distance functions between real-valued vectors. Our... more
IngenIería e InvestIgacIón vol. 37 n.° 3, december-2017 (37-44) 37 Detection and location of surfaces in a 3D environment through a single transducer and ultrasonic spherical caps Detección y localización de superficies en un ambiente 3D... more
This paper presents a novel algorithm for generating wavelet transform basis functions from given 1-D time series data. Our method finds an information theory based sub-sample rate to extract a basis function from the data and also... more