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Аннотация: В первой трети XVIII в. произошли большие потрясения для Испании: был утрачен ряд территорий в Европе, взошла на престол новая династия. Изменился и государственный изобразительный девиз на монетах, чеканившихся на американских... more
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      Spain (History)Spanish and American colonial periodCoins
Note. For some reason, the PDF file that includes ToC and Introduction uploads incorrectly in the "view document" window. But it is here and downloadable. Click on the title (o go up, besides "views"), check the "3 files" link and your... more
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      Colonial BrazilSpanish Colonial PeruLatin American Colonial LiteratureColonial Latin American History
En este capítulo del libro Entre los datos y los formatos. Indicios para la historia indígena de las fronteras en los archivos coloniales, abordamos el formato particular de los acuerdos del cabildo de Buenos Aires en tanto documentos... more
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      Historical AnthropologyHistory of Indigenous PeoplesHistorical SourcesHistorical Methodology
Fashioning Maestras: Fray Francisco Gainza and the Escuela Normal de Sta. Isabel de Nueva Cáceres This paper discusses the contribution of Bishop Francisco Gainza, O.P. (1818-1879) to the development of women's education in the... more
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      Philippine colonial historySpanish and American colonial periodSpanish period Mission studies
ABSTRACT The Black Legend, the unfavorable interpretation of Spain’s colonizing role in the Americas, it is not only a negative misinterpretation of Spanish and Spanish American History that have spread in Europe in the Modern Ages. It... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAmerican History
Este trabajo presenta los resultados alcanzados en una investigación realizada en el Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, en materia de recopilación, sistematización y análisis preliminar de documentos existentes y accesibles del período... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyIsland StudiesArchives
This paper discusses poorly known pottery with red-banded rim designs of the Spanish Colonial period in New Mexico. We present new data on the diagnostic attributes of Casitas Red-on-brown and also offer information on the vessel... more
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      Ancestral Pueblo (Archaeology)Spanish and American colonial periodNative American potteryNative American Ceramics
La Biblioteca Nacional de España cuenta con un ejemplar de la obra de Antonio Pigafetta titulada Il viaggio fatto da gli spagniuoli a torno a'l mondo, publicado en Venecia en 1536 por L. A. Giunta, referenciado como Edit 16, CNCE 73425 y... more
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      ReligionHistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
En Primero sueño la relación entre sueño y conocimiento ocupa un lugar determinante en la mecánica textual de este notable poema del barroco hispanoamericano. El marco que delimita este desarrollo temático consiste en un esquema... more
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      LiteraturePoetryLatin American literatureLatin American Colonial Literature
This article addresses the issue of the presence of an artistic consciousness—and more specifically of a stylistic intention—in Guaman Poma de Ayala’s work. This dimension is explored through two axes: Guaman Poma’s relationship with... more
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      Spanish Colonial PeruSpanish American colonial studiesSpanish and American colonial period
Archaeological identification of Jano and Jocome
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAnthropology of MobilitySouthwestern Archaeology
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      HistoryArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)
Review of book on on Medicine among the Criollos in late-colonial Peru.
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      Spanish and American colonial periodHistory of Science and MedicineHistory of Science and Medicine In Medieval and Renaissance Europe
Summary The definition of the identity of the towns is a problematic one of absolute contemporary use. The process of effective economic globalization, far from devastating with the regional or national particularities seems that,... more
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      Social RepresentationsIdentity (Culture)IdentidadRepresentaciones Sociales
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      Latin American StudiesSpanish Colonial PeruLatin American Colonial LiteratureSpanish and American colonial period
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      Spanish Colonial PeruLatin American Colonial LiteratureColonial Latin American HistoryColonial Latin American Art- Mexico and Peru
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      Pacific HistorySpanish and American colonial periodBourbon ReformsSpanish Colonial Trade
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)Southwestern Archaeology