South Australian geology
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Recent papers in South Australian geology
The Lochiel Landslip was initiated in August 1974. It was the result of heavy winter rains, but was facilitated by the occurrence of hydrophilic clay interbedded with the quartzitic country rock. Monitoring has shown that whereas most of... more
A geomorphological approach to landform design aims to pattern constructed landforms in erodible materials on natural landforms. These natural landforms represent a mature geomorphic condition subject to a slow rate of evolution. Most... more
Earth2Energy Educational Publishing has 68 book titles available for sale through in the United States and Canada. Amazon does have marketplaces in the international markets of Europe, Asia, and Australia. Titles are available... more
Informa tion for farm busines ses and the commu nity in South Austral ia Und erst and ing min eral exp lora tion Version 1.
Fracture formation in fill was observed to occur rapidly, in just a few years at the WillowCreek Landfill site. The soil science and geomorphology literature does not discuss the formation of fractures in glacial fill. Observations (which... more
Fracture formation in fill was observed to occur rapidly, in just a few years at the WillowCreek Landfill site. The soil science and geomorphology literature does not discuss the formation of fractures in glacial fill. Observations (which... more
The Troubridge Basin in South Australia is a late Paleozoic sedimentary basin, extending from the Coorong area across Fleurieu Peninsula and Kangaroo Island to Yorke Peninsula (Alley and Bourman 1995; Fig. 1). The basin contains the Cape... more
Catchments in northern Australian have undergone dramatic land-use changes from traditional Aboriginal management to widespread cattle grazing post-European settlement. Quantifying the soil erosion impacts of these changes is essential to... more
• Alluvial gully erosion represents a major threat to riparian and aquatic landscapes in northern Australia. • European land use practices have accelerated the initiation and growth of alluvial gullies.
Water flow Water quality Water clarity Streamside vegetation Local jobs Cost This appears to be a list of six attributes, 4 relating to physical items and two to economic, but is actually nine attributes. The apparent divergence in number... more
- by Geoff Kerr
A new subdivision for the Cambrian Kanmantoo Group into a basal Carrickalinga Head Formation and overlying Inman Hill, Brown Hill and Wattaberri Subgroups is proposed for the type section. Investigations have shown that the stratigraphic... more
Rubidium-strontium and strontium isotope data for eight whole-rock samples of granite varieties from the Encounter Bay area, South Australia, yield an isochron age of 487 ± 37 m.y. Two specimens of albitised granite, formed as a result of... more
A new subdivision for the Cambrian Kanmantoo Group into a basal Carrickalinga Head Formation and overlying Inman Hill, Brown Hill and Wattaberri Subgroups is proposed for the type section. Investigations have shown that the stratigraphic... more
The occurrence and movement of groundwater are controlled by various hydrogeological, hydrological and climatological factors. Reasonably accurate assessment of groundwater recharge and discharge components is not easy because no direct... more
The Inman River Catchment sits within a well-defined geomorphological feature on the southern part of Fleurieu Peninsula, a relict of an ancient glaciation, which eroded a large east-west trending bedrock depression across Fleurieu... more
Problem soil overview of Bangladesh and ways to forward.