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Polyurethane containing macroheterocyclic fragments in the main chain as fungicide materials and polymeric sorbing agents and process for the preparation thereof Saveliev Yurii Vasyliovych, Hrekov Anatolii Petrovych, Veselov Vitalii... more
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      Polymer ChemistrySorbentsPolyurethanes
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Rozlewy substancji ropopochodnych likwiduje si poprzez zebranie oleju ze rodowiska. Zadanie to spe niaj metody mechaniczne, w których za pomoc specjalnie skonstruowanych urz dze zbiera si rozlany olej z mieszanin wodno-olejow z... more
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Banana peel which consider as fruit waste has been tested for the removal of total sulfide from spring water in Heet area, Iraq. The chemical composition of peels was investigated. The results show that the composition consists of Sodium... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAcademic WritingSorbentsSulfur
An efficient procedure for the synthesis of 3-chloro-2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-ones by selective chlorination of 1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenylpropane-1,3-diones with potassium chloride and ammonium persulfate gave... more
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    • Sorbents
h i g h l i g h t s Purolite Arsen X np and Lewatit FO 36 were used for removal of heavy metal complexes with EDDS from waste waters. Different factors affect the metal ions sorption on hybrid ion exchangers. Hybrid ion exchangers have... more
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      Chemical EngineeringPhysical ChemistrySorbents
A new procedure for the determination of chromium species in polluted environmental samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry was developed in this work. A new material containing 1,5-diphenylcarbazone included in a polymeric matrix... more
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      SorbentsMetal speciationAtomic Absorption SpectrometryBiosorption of heavy metals
El presente trabajo trata de las características mineralógicas y físicoquímicas de los materiales calcáreos y minerales de arcillas que pueden ser utilizados como sorbentes en procesos industriales. Ese trabajo da continuidad a un estudio... more
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      SorbentsAdsorption and wastewater treatmentCharacterization
Abstract Many researchers focused their study to find sorbents that are cost-effective for textile dye removal. Mineral materials such as bentonite, bleaching earth and bauxite have been studied for dye removal from textile wastewater.... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringSorbents
The main element of PbRS (passive (bio)remediation systems) are sorbents, which act as natural filters retaining heavy metals and carriers of microorganisms involved in water treatment. Thus, the effectiveness of PbRS is determined by the... more
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      Environmental RemediationWaterWater qualityArsenic
— The feasibility of using alternative and commercial sorbents for dry washing biodiesel was quantitatively examined. Rice husk ash (RHA) and Amberlite showed similar performance and their applications in adsorbing glycerol were... more
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      BiodieselSorbentsFactorial DesignGlycerol
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) is a popular wood preservative applied to wood products to prevent environmental decay during outdoor use and hence has been predominant in the disposal sector in recent years. Estimates suggest that some... more
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Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated wood is the popular treated wood found in the wood waste disposal sector. Incineration has been a key disposal pathway for CCA-treated wood waste; however, the potential for emissions of toxic... more
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      ArsenicCombustionAir pollutionAir Pollution and Health Effects
Chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was the dominant wood preservative used for outdoor wood products to prevent structural decay prior to its phase down starting from 2004. Incineration is one key disposal alternative for CCA-treated wood;... more
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      LeachingSorbentsSolid Waste ManagementAdsorption
Results are presented on the development of reversible sorbents for the combined carbon dioxide and trace contaminant (TC) removal for use in Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). Since ammonia is the most important TC to be captured, data on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCarbon DioxideActivated carbon adsorptionSorbents
Rudy darniowe s jedn z odmian czwartorz dowych rud elaza. Zalegaj w miejscach obni onych, podmokłych, płytko, kilkana cie do kilkudziesi ciu centymetrów pod powierzchni terenu. Dziel si na dwie główne odmiany: miałkie, b d ce lu nym,... more
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      SorbentsHeavy metalsNatural AdsorbentBog iron
Results are presented on the development of reversible sorbents for the combined carbon dioxide, moisture, and trace-contaminant (TC) removal for use in extravehicular activities, and more specifically in the Primary Life Support System.... more
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      Activated carbon adsorptionSorbentsAdsorption(i) Adsorption study: Removal of organic and inorganic pollutants by inexpensive adsorbents
Cu-HyS-urea and Cu-HyS-NaOH, which are hydrotalcite-like copper hydroxyl salts, were prepared by two different methods, urea hydrolysis and precipitation, respectively. Both synthesis methods provided the successful formation of a copper... more
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      SorbentsPhotocatalysisHexavalent ChromiumHydrotalcites
A commercial granular activated carbon (GAC) was subjected to thermal treatment with ammonia for obtaining an efficient carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) adsorbent. In general, CO 2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon can be increased by... more
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      Advanced Oxidation ProcessesCarbon DioxideHeat TreatmentSurface chemistry (Surface Science)
Past studies have shown that many alumino-silicate mineral sorbents are effective in controlling heavy metal emission during incineration. The objective of this study was to identify Al-Si based mineral sorbents that can minimize leaching... more
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      ArsenicMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementAir pollutionSorbents
The problem of ore-processing plants' waste and man-made mineral formations (MMF) disposal is very important for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The research of various ore types (gold, polymetallic, iron-bearing) MMF from a number of... more
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      Waste recyclingSorbentsIndustrial wastes
The possibility to obtain new sorbents based on wastes from enrichment of Akbakay field Au-containing ores and Maykain field polymetallic ores is studied. The phase structures of the wastes are determined by X-ray diffraction. Quartz,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringSorbentsEnvironmental enrichment
A solution to the problems associated with low efficiency of purification of arsenic-contaminated water and/or high installation costs may be the use of adsorption process and application of bog iron ores (RD) as an adsorbent. The aim of... more
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1. Спосіб одержання сорбенту для вилучення іонів перехідних металів з розчинів взаємодією силікагелю і зшивального агента з наступною обробкою отриманого модифікованого силікагелю комплексоутворюючим агентом, який відрізняється тим, що як... more
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      SorbentsTransition metals
Monitoring of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) levels in water is of great importance because BaP is used as a marker for pollution by other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The elemental and morphological features of clinoptilolite used as a... more
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      Analytical ChemistrySorbentsZeolitesGC-MS
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are omnipresent contaminants of the environment, with evidenced harmful effects to human health. Especially endangered are waters, which may affect biota directly or by enabling transport through... more
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Results are presented on the development of reversible sorbents for the combined carbon dioxide and trace contaminant (TC) removal for use in Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). Since ammonia is the most important TC to be captured, data on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCarbon DioxideActivated carbon adsorptionSorbents
Results are presented on the development of reversible sorbents for the combined carbon dioxide and trace contaminant (TC) removal for use in Extravehicular Activities(EVAs). Since ammonia is the most important TC to be captured, data on... more
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      Carbon DioxideActivated carbon adsorptionSorbentsAdsorption
The development of warm-gas cleanup (WGCU) systems for synthesis gas (syngas) cleanup in in- tegrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants has the potential to lower the costs of generating power. WGCU includes the removal of... more
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      GasificationClean Coal TechnologiesSorbentsMercury
Porous carbon material from anthracite (2.5% of ash) produced at different activation tempera tures with different burning degree is studied. According to the data of IRspectroscopy and element analysis, oxidation results in the... more
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Results are presented on the development of reversible sorbents for the combined carbon dioxide, moisture, and trace-contaminant (TC) removal for use in Extravehicular Activities (EVAs), and more specifically in the Primary Life Support... more
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      Materials ScienceActivated carbon adsorptionSorbentsAdsorption
Authors: Nagaichuk V., Gerashshenko I., Chornopyshchuk R., Nazarchuk O., Chepliaka O., Dobrovanov O. Lek. Obzor, Bratislava: Herba, 2021, 70(10): 343-349. ISSN 0457-4214. A promising area is the possibility to use new sorbents in the... more
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      SorbentsInfection ControlBurnsWounds
The potential of five low-cost and globally available sorbents, including three raw waste products – waste tire crumb rubber (WTCR), coconut coir fiber (CCF) and blast furnace slag (BFS) – and two modified materials – biochar (BC) and... more
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      BIOCHARStormwaterSorbentsStormwater management
A commercial granular activated carbon (GAC) was subjected to thermal treatment with ammonia for obtaining an efficient carbon dioxide (CO 2) adsorbent. In general, CO 2 adsorption capacity of activated carbon can be increased by... more
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      Advanced Oxidation ProcessesCarbon DioxideHeat TreatmentSurface chemistry (Surface Science)