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There is accumulating evidence that walking has health benefits. While millions of people in the United Kingdom have long benefitted from rambling, Nordic walking is a relative newcomer to the shores of Britain. Which of these forms of... more
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      Mental HealthSubjective Well-BeingWell-BeingSocio-Natural Environments
The transition for the Late Bronze to the Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean is still only incompletely understood, with explanations ranging from social disintegration to environmental degradation. Especially the idea of societal... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyLebanonSocio-Natural EnvironmentsEnvironmental Change
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      Environmental SociologyConservation BiologySocio-Natural Environments
Both paleoenvironmental and archaeological data provide mounting evidence of increasing aridification in the Near East starting with the late Early Bronze Age (ca. 4,300 BP). Combining the methods of the Macrophysical Climate Model (MCM)... more
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      Coupled Human and Natural SystemsArchaeological GISSocio-Natural EnvironmentsBronze and Iron Ages in Eastern Mediterranean (Archaeology)
The increasing academic interest in walking for heath has paid limited attention to Nordic walking. This paper investigates the similarities and differences in leisure experiences between Nordic walking and rambling and their... more
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      Subjective Well-BeingPhysical ActivityWell-BeingSocio-Natural Environments
This paper discusses the socio-natural assemblages of salt cultivation involving humans, other organisms and natural phenomena on the Venezuelan islands of La Tortuga and Cayo Sal from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. The... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryEnvironmental Archaeology
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      Environmental SociologyConservation BiologySocio-Natural Environments
This is an agent-based model of a potential scenario for the forager-farmer transition. It is parameterized for a millet/deer ecosystem (east Asia), but could apply to any hunting/seed gathering system if parameterized accordingly. Rather... more
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      Coupled Human and Natural SystemsSimulation (Computer Science)Social-Ecological SystemsAgent Based Simulation