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Enzo Pio Pignatiello Ponte Sisto, 2018 - 120 pagine "Una risata lunga 90 anni" è un omaggio alla più geniale coppia comica della storia del cinema. Sono passati infatti più di novant'anni dal quel 1927, quando Laurel e Hardy hanno... more
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      Cinema StudiesClassical Hollywood CinemaFilm and Television ComedyFilm Dubbing
Modernism/ modernity 2014
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      AestheticsClimate ChangeBuster KeatonPeter Sloterdijk
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      ComedyHorrorSupernatural tv seriesSlapstick Comedy
Desde el nacimiento entre bastidores y los violentos años del vodevil hasta el encuentro con Arbuckle y el nacimiento de una estrella. Recorrido por su años en los escenarios, el estrellato infantil, los problemas con la Gerry... more
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      Buster KeatonFilm HistoryAmerican VaudevilleFilm Stars
Chaplin nació en el seno de una familia de artistas profundamente ligados a las tradiciones del vodevil y el music hall el 16 de Abril 1889. Su trayecto por los escenarios a los dieciséis años, Chaplin se convertía en actor del West End... more
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      Film HistoryMusic HallFilm StarsCharles Chaplin
In its history, production, plots and gestures, slapstick comedy was tied to the rise of modern labor in terms of both Taylorist theory and Fordist practice. Comic heroes ranging from live action comedians Chaplin or Keaton to animated... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryWalt Disney CompanyCartoons and Animation
This article examines slapstick comedies about moviemaking produced by the Mack Sennett Comedies studio (1917–33) and studies the model of filmmaking that these metamovies advance. Mack Sennett Comedies’ movies on moviemaking, this essay... more
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      Silent FilmCinematographySlapstick Comedy
Attraverso curiosi adattamenti di doppiaggio ed inserimenti di musiche italiane, i film stranieri che giungevano sugli schermi del Bel Paese entravano pienamente a far parte della cultura italiana, e soprattutto quelli degli irripetibili... more
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      Popular MusicComedyFilm Music And SoundAudiovisual Translation
Atollo K è l'unico film della coppia Laurel & Hardy con esplicite pretese politiche - se si eccettuano le altre produzioni degli anni Quaranta realizzate durante il Secondo conflitto mondiale. Amalgama di sentimenti anti-imperialisti e... more
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      Tax LawImmigrationImmigration StudiesCold War
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      TechnologyFilm StudiesScientific managementTaylorism
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesSilent FilmWomen and Culture
This article seeks to identify the underlying historiographical discourses advanced by the programming choices of the Cinémathèque Française’s recent Buster Keaton retrospective. In light of his wide ranging sound era output, the... more
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      Screen ComedySilent FilmBuster KeatonFilm and Television Comedy
Review of Michael Tisserand's biography "Krazy. George Herriman, a Life in Black and White
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      Comparative LiteratureGender StudiesComics/Sequential ArtEthnic and Racial Studies
This essay formulates the concept of a slapstick modernism in order to designate a cultural mutation that occurred in the US and elsewhere in the world from the 1950s through the 1970s. It was during this period that Beat Generation... more
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      American LiteratureHumor StudiesCzech New WaveUnderground Film
Traduction française de « Buster Keaton, or The Work of Comedy in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction », Cineaste, 21(3), 1995, p. 14-16
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      Buster KeatonCharlie chaplinSlapstick Comedy
Chaplin y Keaton, dos modelos corporales, dos formas de entender la comedia. Desde las tablas, la tradiciones del music-hall y el vaudeville,  a Sennett, Arbuckle, el slapstick y la Comedian Comedy.
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      Buster KeatonCharles ChaplinSlapstickComedia
co-authored with Steven Jacobs, published in De Wite Raaf 174 (March-April 2015), pp. 13-16, in Dutch.
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      Theodor AdornoWalter BenjaminSiegfried KracauerCharlie chaplin
The work aims to re-read Lunario del paradiso through the essay Su Beckett, l'interpololazione e il gag, included in Finzioni occidentali (1975). Comparing the comic techniques adopted in Beckett's writing and slapstick comedy (i.e. the... more
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      Buster KeatonItalian Literature20th Century Italian LiteratureSamuel Beckett (Literature)
Saps at Sea (1940), italianizzato "C'era una volta un piccolo naviglio", dalla celebre canzoncina popolare cantata dal Trio Lescano, costituisce il "canto del cigno" della coppia comica Laurel e Hardy, un film brillante ed importante,... more
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      Film and Television ComedyLaurel and HardySlapstick Comedy
Roach, noto anche per la serie televisiva statunitense Topper-sitcom a sfondo fantastico, rivaleggiò col pioniere delle prime comiche Mack Sennett; e ciò che sostenne le sue produzioni, mentre la popolarità delle altre comiche andava... more
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      ComedyBuster KeatonClassical HollywoodFilm and Television Comedy
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      Film StudiesSilent FilmFilm HistoryAmerican Vaudeville
The Dislexicon of Slapstick Humor, Funny Cinematography, and Very Special Effects is a richly illustrated glossary containing 138 witty words used in Mack Sennett's comedy studios between 1912 and 1933. It comprises clever concepts... more
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      Silent FilmCinematographyTrick Photography & Special EffectsSlapstick Comedy
In this course, students will examine several film genres from a variety of critical and theoretical perspectives (e.g. auteurism, structuralism, feminism, psychoanalysis, etc.). Attention will be paid to the historical "evolution" of... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryComedy
This article studies surviving film prints, shooting scripts, and press material to examine Mack Sennett's exploration of natural color film, from his use of the Technicolor process in 1926-1928, to his release of one short in Multicolor... more
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      Silent FilmCinematographyColorSlapstick Comedy
Modernism/ modernity 2014
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAestheticsClimate Change
The idea behind this videoessay is that actor Paolo Villaggio has been gradually “swallowed” by his most famous character, the humble accountant Ugo Fantozzi, of which Villaggio, in his television debut, told the misadventures using third... more
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      Popular Italian CinemaItalian CinemaActingSlapstick Comedy
Se il ricordo dell'ultimo film di Stanlio e Ollio - Atollo K, diretto nel 1951 da Leo Joannon e John Berry - rimane legato presso gli appassionati soprattutto alla malinconia che accompagna le loro gag anarchiche, ad uno sguardo più... more
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      Film StudiesComedyFilm AnalysisPolitics
Edited by Paul Duncan Taschen Books, July 2015 With unrestricted access to his archives, this book offers insight into the process behind the Chaplin genius, from the impromptu spontaneity of his early shorts to the meticulous retakes... more
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      Silent FilmTheater and filmEarly CinemaFilm History
book review
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      Film StudiesSilent FilmFilm HistoryFeminist Film Studies