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      Early YearsEarly Childhood EducationMinority LanguagesScottish education
Scottish Gaelic, among the nearly 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, is endangered. In the 1980s the Gaelic Medium Education (GME) movement emerged with an emphasis on teaching students all subjects via this ancient tongue with... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage revitalizationTeacher EducationQualitative methodology
Critical language pedagogy involves addressing the relationships between power, identity, language, and education. In recent decades, there has been an increase in the understanding of the importance of language revitalization, and many... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical applied linguisticsScottish GaelicScottish Gaelic medium education
Scottish Gaelic, among the nearly 7,000 languages spoken in the world today, is endangered. In the 1980s the Gaelic Medium Education (GME) movement emerged with an emphasis on teaching students all subjects via this ancient tongue with... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguage revitalizationLanguages and LinguisticsCase Study Research
Summary This report This report presents the findings from a small-scale study of teachers’ views on the potential of translanguaging as a classroom pedagogy in Gaelic-medium education (GME). What is translanguaging? Translanguaging... more
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      Bilingual Education; Dual Language Programs, Early and Late Immersion, and the role of the L1Scottish Gaelic medium educationTranslanguaging
This paper tackles the important question of practitioner engagement and is the first to present an overview of relevant Gaelic medium education (GME) research. Following the formal inception in 1985, GME is now more widely available... more
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      Bilingual EducationTeachers' professional developmentBilingual education (Education)Scottish Gaelic
This paper describes some of the findings emerging from a design based research study investigating the potential of a tablet app, Our Story, to enhance language learning opportunities for children in Gaelic-medium preschool playrooms.... more
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      Bilingual EducationDesign-based researchMinority language educationImmersion Education
The National Plan for Gaelic 2007-2012 contains ambitious targets for the expansion of Gaelic medium (GM) primary school education, aiming for 4000 children enrolled in P1 by 2021. GM early years education and childcare plays a crucial... more
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      Early YearsEarly Childhood EducationPolitical ScienceMinority Languages
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      Language revitalizationScottish Gaelic StudiesScottish Gaelic MusicCeltic Languages
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      Educational TechnologyEarly YearsEarly Childhood EducationMinority Languages