Science Blogs
Recent papers in Science Blogs
Araştırmanın temel amacı yeni medyanın bilim ve toplum etkileşimini sağlamada ve geleneksel medyanın bilim iletişimi bağlamındaki kamusal sorumluluklarını yerine getirmek açısından zafiyetini aşmada nasıl katkılar sunabileceğini... more
My aim is to give a general overview of sources of various information on onomastic studies. Here I argue that onomastic blogs and social network groups may function as an interface between the onomastic community and the public, hence... more
Blogs as one of the most widely used Web 2.0 applications, are strongly acceptable by a large number of Internet users. The educational blogs have a specific audience, purpose and goals. This research paper explores the characterization... more
This study addresses an open question about science bloggers’ self-perceived roles as science communicators. Previous research has investigated the roles science journalists see themselves engaging in, but such research has failed to... more
As the Internet emerged as an efficient channel for sending information and fostering collaborations on a global scale, this unanticipated phenomenon paved the way for a new era of science, namely e-science or digital scholarship. Massive... more
There are lots of great stories out there of successful bloggers who make money blogging. People have reported that they make nearly up to $100k per month! Starting a blog becomes a cake’s walk if one understands the few basic things.
Vortrag auf der Jahrestagung 2013 der TELI (Technisch-Literarische Gesellschaft) e.V.
La controversia sulle vaccinazioni infantili si è insediata notevolmente nel panorama sociale negli ultimi anni, sia grazie ai quotidiani e alle riviste, sia per mezzo dei social network e dei blog, che stanno assumendo una collocazione... more
In advance of the 2015 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), an event organised by UCL and the Wellcome Trust, in the style of the BBC’s ever-popular Question Time series, sought to answer some of the most pressing questions facing the... more
This dissertation examines science blogging practices, including motivations, routines and content decision rules, across a wide range of science bloggers. Previous research has largely failed to investigate science blogging practices... more
Abstract: This paper uses Social Network Analysis indexes to study Greek political blogs. The indexes describe bloggers’ community recommendations, centrality and bloggers’ attempt to form spheres of influence. Five Social Network... more