Sandstone diagenesis
Recent papers in Sandstone diagenesis
A B S T R A C T Diagenesis exerts a strong control on the quality and hetero-geneity of most clastic reservoirs. Variations in the distribution of diagenetic alterations usually accentuate the variations in depositional porosity and... more
Siliciclastic sediments owe their origin mainly to land sources. New discriminant-function-based major-element diagrams for the tectonic discrimination of siliciclastic sediments from three main tectonic settings: island or continental... more
We present the results of a multidisciplinary study on the relationships between the structural archi- tecture of an extensional fault system in poorly lithified shallow marine sands and the associated pattern of diagenetic carbonate... more
The pore space fractal dimension was measured using a model of a porous body based on the Menger sponge and mercury porosimetry data for selected samples of the reservoir sandstones of the Weglowka oil field (SE Poland) in a pore-throat... more
Los Paramoudras de Jaizkibel son de gran interés ya que se desarrollan en arenisca de edad Eoceno, una litología inusual para su formación. Tanto la concreción del Paramoudra, como el tubo que constituye el ichnofósil, están compuestos de... more
The late-Permian succession of the Upper-Indus Basin is represented by carbonate dominated Zaluch Group, which consists of Amb, Wargal and Chhidru Formations. These formations accumulated on the southwestern shelf of the Paleo-Tethys... more
Se presentan los resultados obtenidos con microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y microanálisis EDX, sobre una muestra de Paramoudra en arenisca de edad Eoceno (Formación Jaizkibel). La morfología de las tres partes de la muestra... more
Los Paramoudras de Jaizkibel son de gran interés ya que se desarrollan en una litología inusual para su formación (flysch de arenisca de edad Eoceno). Tanto la concreción del Paramoudra, como el tubo que constituye el ichnofósil y su... more
Linking the influence of diagenetic properties and clay texture on reservoir quality in sandstones from NW Borneo
Clay coatings have been widely accepted by many workers as an explanation for preserving high porosity in deeply buried sandstones, but few workers have realized that similar effects can be produced by microcrystalline quartz coatings.... more
Previous studies of jointing in sedimentary rocks have shown that joint-network architecture is controlled by mechanical stratigraphy, which is described by (1) the thickness and rigidity of stratigraphic units and (2) the nature of... more
The fluvial Triassic reservoir subarkoses and arkoses (2409·5–2519·45 m) of the El Borma oilfield, southern Tunisia, were subjected to cementation by haematite, anatase, infiltrated clays, kaolinite and K-feldspar at shallow burial depths... more
Fraktalna struktura systemu porowego ska³ opiera siê na modelu g¹bki Mengera (Turcotte, 1992), narzêdziem s³u¿¹cym do obliczenia wymiarów fraktalnych ich przestrzeni porowej zaoe s¹ rozk³ady oerednic porów otrzymane w testach... more
Porous sandstones are important reservoirs for geofluids. Interaction therein between deformation and cementation during diagenesis is critical since both processes can strongly reduce rock porosity and permeability, deteriorating... more
Individual quartz overgrowths in siltstone of the late Cambrian Eau Claire Formation (Fm.) are systematically zoned in oxygen isotope ratio (δ 18 O). In situ analysis of δ 18 O was performed with 3 and 15 μm beam spots by secondary ion... more
A study of the Middle Jurassic Rannoch Formation in the Gullfaks Field shows that there is no relationship between the content and distribution of kaolinite and location relative to the late Cimmerian unconformity. From petrographic data... more
Depositional microfacies is an important influencing factor in the development of continental hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs. However, the diagenetic responses to the depositional microfacies and their implications for reservoir quality... more
The lowermost Carboniferous rocks in the Cockburnspath area of east Berwickshire (southern Scotland) are interpreted as coastal floodplain sediments. A lower mudstone-dominated unit is composed of silty mudstones and shales with... more
The fluvial Triassic reservoir subarkoses and arkoses (2409·5–2519·45 m) of the El Borma oilfield, southern Tunisia, were subjected to cementation by haematite, anatase, infiltrated clays, kaolinite and K-feldspar at shallow burial depths... more
The sedimentological analysis of several profiles, registered within the eastern part of the frontal margin of the Silesian nappe, reveal the following lithofacies of the subaqueous gravity flows: conglomeratic sandstones (SC), sandstones... more
Se describe la composición química y mineralógica de envolturas y tubos de Paramoudras en arenisca de la Formación Jaizkibel (de edad Eoceno) en base a espectroscopía Raman. Las estructuras tubulares atraviesan gangas de naturaleza... more