Rock materials
Recent papers in Rock materials
8 marzo 1996 conferenza corso ORGL pag. 2 di 33 EFFETTO MIGLIORAMENTO PER Intervento Materiale Confinamento Resistenza al taglio Deformabilità Infilaggi di protezione, paratie berlinesi Detrito SI Drenaggi Roccia/ Detrito SI Iniezioni... more
It is not clear exactly how a rock fails, either in terms of the precise details of each micro crack initiation and Propagation or in terms of the total structural breakdown as many micro cracks propagate and coalesce. In both cases, the... more
En este artículo se describe una campaña sistemática de ensayos no-destructivos con el martillo de rebote tipo Schmidt-L, que se hizo en una placa de sodalita de 0,05 m de espesor en un área de ensayo cuadrada de 2,0 m de lado. Esta... more
Maltese Cross Church is one of the rock-cut churches in Cappadocia, Goreme Open Air Museum. The museum is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and the rock structures in it have problems on their material and structure, which... more