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O f the suggestions for composing encomia within texts of progymnasmata exercises, among the most common is to begin with praise of a person's ancestry and origins-elements of a category called by the progymnasmata authors "external... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricMedieval LiteratureMedieval Rhetoric
There are passages in Wittgenstein where he compares his method to psychotherapy and one or two where he seems to suggest that the ‘patient’ has the last word on his ‘illness’ and ‘cure’. This paper tries to take these seriously,... more
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      PsychoanalysisMetaphysicsAnalytic PhilosophyEpistemology
By examining application software as a type of rhetorical artifact, it is possible to highlight its social, ethical and moral implications. In this paper, we explore one possibility for such a lens: application software functioning as a... more
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      Human Computer InteractionRhetoricDesignUser Experience (UX)
This paper describes an undergraduate course on practical rhetoric, based mainly on the theory of issues as taught by Hermogenes and other later Greek rhetoricians (2nd-5th centuries AD). It outlines the theory, and demonstrates its... more
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      Ancient Greek RhetoricRhetorical argument
This essay examines four disciplinary challenges that faculty from broad, diverse disciplines such as rhetoric and composition encounter during tenure, promotion, and reappointment (TP&R) and highlights the arguments and rhetorical... more
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      Composition and RhetoricPublishingRhetorical AnalysisPedagogy
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      AristotelesRhetorical argumentSylogizm
Clever arguments defending the possibility of perpetual motion, immortality, the eternal universe, and the concept of exponential logical efficiency.
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      ThermodynamicsMetaphysicsPhilosophy of PhysicsCosmology (Physics)