In this study, it was aimed to take the views and suggestions of academicians working at the faculty of education on what can be done about teacher candidates’ responsibility education. This study was designed on the basis of...
moreIn this study, it was aimed to take the views and suggestions of academicians working at the faculty of education
on what can be done about teacher candidates’ responsibility education. This study was designed on the basis
of qualitative research approach and purposive sampling method was used. Data were collected by unstructured
interview method from 30 academicians working at Fırat University, Faculty of Education in the 2009–2010 academic year. As a result, the views of academicians were classified under four general themes: attitudes towards
school, voluntary social activities, tolerance education and sharing. For teacher candidates to acquire social
sensitivity and responsibility, it was proposed that the related values should be internalized. The participants view that the rationale behind these values and their meaning for themselves and for the community should be instilled for these values to be internalized.