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Down syndrome is associated with a significant health burden, which is particularly apparent in young children who will frequently present with cardiac and respiratory problems. Respiratory presentations include problems related to... more
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      Down SyndromeChildRespiratory insufficiencyPaediatrics and reproductive medicine
To identify prenatal risk factors for chronic lung disease (CLD) at 36 weeks postmenstrual age in very preterm infants. Population: Data were collected prospectively as part of the ongoing audit of the Australian and New Zealand Neonatal... more
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      Birth WeightLow Birth WeightChronic DiseaseNew Zealand
Binder phenotype, or maxillonasal dysostosis, is a distinctive pattern of facial development characterized by a short nose with a flat nasal bridge, an acute nasolabial angle, a short columella, a convex upper lip, and class III... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMedicinePregnancyDifferential Diagnosis
The tropical mangosteen fruit has long been prized in Southeast Asia for its traditional healing properties. Mangosteen fruit juice is now available in the United States and marketed for its purported health benefits. We describe a case... more
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Objective: To determine the incidence and mortality rates and predictors of death in myasthenia gravis (MG) and MG crisis in a large US cohort. Methods: Our cohort was identified from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample database for the years... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeurologyMortalityMedicine
This is a unique state of the art review written by a group of 21 international recognized experts in the field that gathered during a meeting organized by the European Neuromuscular Centre (ENMC) in Naarden, March 2017. It systematically... more
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      Respiratory MedicineClinical SciencesRespiratory MusclesInhalation
In December 2019, a series of patients with severe pneumonia were identified in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, who progressed to severe acute respiratory syndrome and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Subsequently, COVID-19 was... more
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      Intensive Care UnitsRespiratory insufficiencyRespiratory distress syndrome
BACKGROUND: Tracheostomy practice in patients with acute respiratory failure (ARF) varies greatly among institutions. This variability has the potential to be reflected in the resources expended providing care. In various healthcare... more
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      United StatesLength of StayClinical SciencesHealth Expenditures
Much of the common practice in paediatric mechanical ventilation is based on personal experiences and what paediatric critical care practitioners have adopted from adult and neonatal experience. This presents a barrier to planning and... more
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      PediatricsCritical CareChildAcute Lung Injury
Fernando Frutos-Vivar, MD; Andrés Esteban, MD, PhD; Carlos Apezteguía, MD; Antonio Anzueto, MD; Peter Nightingale, MD; Marco González, MD; Luis Soto, MD; Carlos Rodrigo, MD; Jean Raad, MD; Cide M. David, MD; Dimitros Matamis, MD; Gabriel... more
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      NursingCritical CareCritical Care MedicineRisk factors
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      Non-invasive ventilationThoraxClinical SciencesEquipment Design
Purpose: Much of the common practice in paediatric mechanical ventilation is based on personal experiences and what paediatric critical care practitioners have adopted from adult and neonatal experience. This presents a barrier to... more
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      PediatricsCritical CareChildAcute Lung Injury
Impact of postnatal systemic corticosteroids on mortality and cerebral palsy in preterm infants: effect modification by risk for chronic lung disease.
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      RadiologyTreatment OutcomeMedicineNitric oxide
One hundred sixty cases of self-poisoning of patients aged 15 years and older were treated on the wards of the four community hospitals of Lansing, Michigan, in 1981. Most cases (91 percent) were intentional and represented suicide... more
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Resumen La sarcoidosis es una enfemedad granulomatosa sistémica que generalmente afecta al pulmón. Las localizaciones extrapulmonares más frecuentes son los ganglios linfáticos, los ojos y la piel, mientras que en la rinofaringe es... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingSarcoidosisBiopsyClinical Sciences
Objectives: To review the first 50 patients to receive extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) for respiratoryfailure at Glenfield Hospital,and to compare them with published series of patients receiving positive pressure ventilation.... more
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The clinical use of veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VVECMO) in adult patients with respiratory failure is rapidly increasing. However, recirculation of blood oxygenated by ECMO back into the circuit may occur in VVECMO,... more
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      Artificial OrgansMedicineGoatsCardiac Catheterization
Objectif.-Étudier les répercussions maternelles et néonatales du rémifentanil (REMI) utilisé en anesthésie générale pour césariennes programmées. Patientes et méthodes.-Après accord du comité d'éthique local et un consentement écrit, 40... more
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      Caesarean SectionPregnancyBlood PressureClinical Sciences
The static pressure volume (PV) curve of the total respiratory system is a well established method to assess pulmonary mechanics during respiratory failure. We have tested the impact of auto-PEEP on the PV curve determination in 16 COPD... more
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      Regression AnalysisRespiratory FailureClinical SciencesAged
Background: Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) are commonly administered to critically ill children in pediatric intensive care units (PICU) in the USA and Europe. Although NMBA are frequently used in PICU patients, their role in the... more
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      PediatricsTreatment OutcomeChildConfidence intervals
A 2-h T-tube trial of spontaneous breathing was used in selecting patients ready for extubation and discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. However, some doubt remains as to whether it is the most appropriate method of performing a... more
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This document presents the requirements met for the design, construction and initial validation of a mechanical ventilation system to be used in patients with respiratory insufficiency, which in the initial context was due to the COVID-19... more
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      Mechanical VentilationRespiratory insufficiency
Respiratory muscle strength is a proven predictor of long-term outcome of neuromuscular disease (NMD), including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and spinal muscular atrophy. Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP),... more
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      SpirometryNeuromuscular diseasesRespiratory function testsmaximal respiratory pressures
The use of non-invasive ventilation in patients with community-acquired pneumonia is controversial since this is associated with high rates of treatment failure, compared with other causes of severe acute respiratory failure. The... more
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      Treatment OutcomeClinical SciencesImmunocompromised hostContinuous Positive Airway Pressure
Purpose The objective of our trial was to obtain more comprehensive data on the risks and benefits of kinetic therapy in intensive care patients with intracerebral pathology. Methods Standardized data of prone positioning in our... more
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      Young AdultClinical SciencesRetrospective StudiesOxygen Consumption
The trachea of a 50 year-old woman was intubated for management of respiratory failure following neurotoxic snake bite. She developed bilateral vocal cord palsy following intubation and was managed with tracheostomy and other supportive... more
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      MedicineSnake venomsCase ReportAnesthesia
This article presents specific uses of the portable chest film. The specific utility, borderline utility, and pitfalls in interpretation of films that are often taken to investigate a number of diagnostic problems common to the practice... more
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      Emergency MedicinePneumoniaPneumothoraxThoracic diseases
The centrilobular liver cell necrosis observed in hypoxic hepatitis is generally attributed to failure of hepatic blood perfusion. Accordingly, this injury of the liver is commonly recognized under the terms "shock liver" or "ischemic... more
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      AdolescentMedicineHeart FailureProspective studies
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      AlgorithmsCarbon DioxideFranceRespiratory Failure
ventilation. Sixteen children (47.1%) were on noninvasive mechanical ventilation via nasal mask while 7 (20.6%) used a face mask. Seven (20.6%) patients received ventilatory support for 24 h and 27 (79.4%) patients were supported only... more
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      TurkeyAdolescentChildDeveloping Country
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      Clinical SciencesChestRespiratory insufficiency
Background: Spontaneous breathing trials (SBT) can be exhausting, but the preventive role of rest has never been studied. This study aimed to evaluate whether reconnection to mechanical ventilation (MV) for 1 h after the effort of a... more
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      Multivariate AnalysisProspective studiesRespirationClinical Sciences
Invasive ventilation is associated with both pulmonary and non-pulmonary complications. There has been a renewed interest in the use of negative pressure ventilation (NPV) for various medical conditions to minimise the complications... more
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      PediatricsTropical MedicineMedicineCritical Care
Increasing numbers of patients are surviving episodes of prolonged mechanical ventilation or benefitting from the recent availability of userfriendly noninvasive ventilators. Although many publications pertaining to specific aspects of... more
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      EthicsRisk assessmentAirway ManagementChronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Dr Landon serves on an advisory board for Hill-Rom Services Inc.
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Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) often lead to impairment of the respiratory system and, consequently, restrictive respiratory changes. Paresis or paralysis of the respiratory muscles can lead to respiratory insufficiency, which is dependent... more
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      RespirationBiomedRespiratory MusclesTracheostomy
Experience with prolonged mechanical ventilation has improved over recent years. Retrospective analysis of the records of 104 patients older than 16 years of age who were mechanically ventilated for more than 29 days over a 29month period... more
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      AdolescentRisk factorsClinical SciencesAged
BackgroundAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease resulting in death, usually from respiratory failure, within 2–3 years of symptom onset. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is a treatment that when given to... more
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      Information SystemsQuality of lifeAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisLibrary and Information Studies
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithmsMedicine
We present the cases of two patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome and one with myasthenic crisis who developed acute respiratory failure and needed mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit. All the patients were treated with... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMedicinePlasmapheresisMyasthenia Gravis
Most outcomes do not deeply express the degree of disability in patients with respiratory failure (RF) following inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation (IPR). The aim of our study was to evaluate the efficacy of an IPR in patients with... more
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      CommunicationNonparametric StatisticsQuality of lifeActivities of Daily Living
Background: Patients requiring prolonged invasive mechanical ventilation are prone to complications, such as infections, tracheal stenosis and death. It has been proposed that early tracheostomy could have a role in preventing these... more
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      Follow-up studiesClinical SciencesAgedRetrospective Studies
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      AdolescentAnoxiaFeasibility StudiesInvasive and noninvasive ventilation
Introduction: Respiratory failure following chemical exposure can be fatal and although supraglottic airway devices have been evaluated for use in the management of CBRN casualties' intubation remains the gold standard airway. Methods:... more
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      Educational MeasurementResuscitationFollow-up studiesClinical Sciences
Purpose: To evaluate and compare the performance of NT-proBNP levels, plasma protein concentration, hematocrit, and fluid balance for the preceding 24 h in predicting the outcome of the two steps of weaning: (1) spontaneous breathing... more
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      ForecastingProspective studiesRespirationClinical Sciences
Recibido el 17 de noviembre de 2009; aceptado el 2 de marzo de 2010 Disponible en Internet el 28 de abril de 2010 PALABRAS CLAVE Hemorragia pulmonar; VIH; Citomegalovirus (CMV); Lavado broncoalveolar (LBA)
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      MicrocirculationLung DiseasesBronchoscopyCytomegalovirus Infections
To identify the indications for tracheal intubation in the emergency department of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital and problems encountered with the view to improve patient outcome. A one-year prospective observational study of... more
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      NigeriaMedicineProspective studiesIncidence
BACKGROUND: Early enteral nutrition is recommended for mechanically ventilated patients in several studies and guidelines. In contrast, the effects of early enteral nutrition on noninvasive ventilation (NIV) have not been investigated... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMultivariate AnalysisRisk factorsClinical Sciences