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      RastafariReggae and Rastafari studiesRastafari TheologyHaile Selassie I
El rastafarismo es un movimiento político y religioso negro de principios del siglo XX que nació del movimiento activista de negros y mestizos en su lucha por la igualdad de derechos sociales. Se fundamenta en la resistencia negra a la... more
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      RastafariRastafari RepatriationRastafariansCannabis
EARLY MY-STORY The RastafarI movement grew out of the darkest depression that the descendants of African slaves in Jamaica have ever lived in-the stink and crumbling shacks of zinc and cardboard that the tattered remnants of humanity... more
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      Marcus GarveyRastafariansRastafari TheologyEthiopian Christianity
CHAPTER: 1.The Origins of Rastafari. CHAPTER: 2.The Branches of Rastafari. CHAPTER: 3The Icons of Rastafari. CHAPTER: 7 The Full Body Ministry. CHAPTER: 9. A Changing Caribbean.
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      Shamanic Possession, Trance, and Altered Staes of ConsciousnessJamaican historyThe Rastafarian movementRastafari Theology
This book is discussing patterns of radical religious thought in popular forms of Black music. The consistent influence of the Five Percent Nation on Rap music as one of the most esoteric groups among the manifold Black Muslim movements... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionBlack Studies Or African American Studies
Signifying individuals as “Rastafari” or “Rasta” without further qualification lacks nuance and precision. The mental images conjured by Rastafari can be in sharp contradiction with the actual practices, beliefs, and behaviors of... more
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      DiversityPostcolonial StudiesDiversity ManagementPostcolonial Theory
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      EthiopiaRastafariRastafari Theology
Jah Bones è stato tra i fondatori di R.U.Z - Rastafari Universal Zion - un collettivo operante nel Regno Unito alla fine del secolo scorso. Elder di grande carisma e spessore culturale, ha contribuito alla formazione di numerosi Ras, tra... more
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      RastafariRastafari RepatriationJamaican historyReggae and Rastafari studies
Caribbean people often view philosophy as a discipline which does not offer much value to Caribbean life and thus, people should not waste their time perusing such studies. My research is aimed at highlighting the fact that philosophy is... more
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      PhilosophyEpistemologyCaribbean HistoryCaribbean Studies
WADADA (letteralmente “Amore” in lingua amarica) nasce dalla collaborazione spontanea e dalla volontà espressiva di diversi individui, desiderosi di contribuire secondo le proprie personali inclinazioni (spirituali, musicali, artistiche,... more
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      Pan AfricanismRastafariRastafariansReggae and Rastafari studies
While Reggae and class have been put in context by various authors, this chapter is aiming at identifying the role of Rastafari as the style's constitutional ideological foundation in this regard. Since the artistic presentation of the... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionMusicMusicology
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      RastafariRastafariansReggaeReggae and Rastafari studies
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      RastafariRastafari, Caribbean TheologyMortimo PlannoRastafari Theology
Caribbean people often view philosophy as a discipline which does not offer much value to Caribbean life and thus, people should not waste their time perusing such studies. My research is aimed at highlighting the fact that philosophy is... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyEpistemologyCaribbean History
Raccolta di articoli tradotti dall'inglese
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      RastafariReggae and Rastafari studiesThe Rastafarian movementRastafari Theology
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      JamaicaRastafariREGGAE MUSICRastafari Repatriation
Feature article on historic event that celebrated the new laws enabling the sacramental use of ganja.
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      RastafariThe Rastafarian movementRastafari Theology
WADADA (letteralmente “Amore” in lingua amarica) nasce dalla collaborazione spontanea e dalla volontà espressiva di diversi individui, desiderosi di contribuire secondo le proprie personali inclinazioni (spirituali, musicali, artistiche,... more
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      EthiopiaRastafariRastafari RepatriationEthiopian Orthodox Christianity
WADADA (letteralmente “Amore” in lingua amarica) nasce dalla collaborazione spontanea e dalla volontà espressiva di diversi individui, desiderosi di contribuire secondo le proprie personali inclinazioni (spirituali, musicali, artistiche,... more
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      African StudiesRastafariReggaeRasta
Una visione della LIVITY RASTAFARI secondo l'esperienza dell'autore.
Storia, profezia e pragmatismo dottrinale.
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      Reggae and Rastafari studiesThe Rastafarian movementRastafari TheologyH.I.M. Haile Sellassie I