"Based on a qualitative study consisting on 40 interviews with radio journalists from seven news organisations, this study examines the notion of journalistic professionalism and its impact upon the journalistic culture of the...
more"Based on a qualitative study consisting on 40 interviews with radio journalists from seven news organisations, this study examines the notion of journalistic professionalism and its
impact upon the journalistic culture of the contemporary Mexican radio newsroom. It discovered the existence of several factors, namely personal attitudes, organisational structures, routines and the wider political and cultural environment, that engender particular notions of professionalism which are more bound to the local environment and the complex political and societal setting than with the with the normative framework normally associated with the concept of professionalism.
Journalistic professionalism is utilised by Mexican journalists as a discursive strategy to show their attachment or detachment, engagement with or criticism to the journalistic culture, and to respond, adhere and contribute to the news organisation’s goals."