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Dipole-strength distributions in the nuclides 92 Mo, 98 Mo and 100 Mo have been investigated in photon-scattering experiments with bremsstrahlung at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE of the Forschungszentrum Rossendorf. A... more
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      Low Energy BuildngsCross SectionQuasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
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      Weak interactionData CollectionEnergy LevelsEnergy Loss
An exactly solvable model suitable for the description of single and double-beta decay processes of the Fermi-type is introduced. The model is equivalent to the exact shell-model treatment of protons and neutrons in a single j-shell.... more
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      Group TheoryNuclear StructureBeta decayEigenvalues
The νe− 56 Fe cross section is evaluated in the projected quasiparticle random phase approximation (PQRPA). This model solves the puzzle observed in RPA for nuclei with mass around 12 C, because it is the only RPA model that treats the... more
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      IronSpectrumCross SectionExperimental Data
The acquisition of precise and reliable nuclear data is a prerequisite to success for stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis studies. Core-collapse simulators find it challenging to generate an explosion from the collapse of the core of... more
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      PhysicsStellar EvolutionWeak interactionIron
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      Nuclear StructureInverse KinematicsExcited statesShell Model
Quasiparticle-random-phase-approximation ͑QRPA͒ calculations of double ␤ decays have not been able to reproduce data in the Aϭ100 system. We propose the Aϭ116 system-because of its smaller deformation-as a simpler system to test QRPA... more
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      Nuclear StructureBeta decayExcited statesExperimental Data
Beta-decay half-lives for neutron-rich nuclei with 6 < 2 < 108 between the line of P-stability and the neutron drip line have been calculated in a second-generation microscopic calculation using the proton-neutron quasiparticle... more
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      Beta decayQuasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
The double-beta decay of ll6cd into excited states of ll6Sn is experimentally and theoretically investigated. From an inclusive experiment, using an external source of isotopically enriched Cd, new most stringent limits for the allowed... more
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      Standard ModelPhase SpaceExcited statesNeutrinoless Double Beta Decay
The beta-decay of the N = Z, even-even nucleus 72 Kr has been studied at the ISOLDE PSB facility at CERN. Measurements of βγ and βγγ coincidences have enriched the decay scheme of the daughter nucleus 72 Br with 27 new low spin levels. A... more
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      Beta decayNearest NeighbourPoisson DistributionCumulant
Properties of low-energy dipole states in ²³²Th have been investigated with the nuclear resonance fluorescence technique. The present work used monoenergetic -ray beams at energies of 2-4 MeV from the high-intensity -ray source at... more
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      PhysicsElectromagnetic RadiationExcited statesRare Earth
We extend the formalism of weak interaction processes, obtaining new expressions for the transition rates, which greatly facilitate numerical calculations, both for neutrino-nucleus reactions and muon capture. Explicit violation of CVC... more
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      Weak interactionCross SectionExperimental DataQuasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
Dipole-strength distributions in the stable even-mass molybdenum isotopes up to the neutron- separation energies have been studied in photon-scattering experiments with bremsstrahlung at the superconducting electron accelerator ELBE of... more
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      Nuclear AstrophysicsLow Energy BuildngsCross SectionQuasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
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      PhysicsMedicineInelastic Neutron ScatteringPhysical sciences
The double beta decay of 100 M o to the ground state and excited states of 100 Ru is analysed in the context of the pseudo SU(3) scheme. The results of this deformed limit are compared with the vibrational one based on the QRPA formalism.... more
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      Group TheoryNuclear StructureExcited statesNeutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Double-differential cross sections of the 2°spb(n,p) reaction have been measured at 97 MeV in the angular range 0o-30 ° for excitation energies up to 40 MeV. The experimental proton spectra have been compared with calculated spectra... more
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      Nuclear ReactionsCross SectionAngular DistributionQuasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
A many body Hamiltonian comprising pairing, quadrupole-quadrupole and spin-spin interaction is treated within a projected spherical basis with the aim of describing the detailed structure of the magnetic states of orbital and spin-flip... more
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    • Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation
The double beta decay of 100 M o to the ground state and excited states of 100 Ru is analysed in the context of the pseudo SU(3) scheme. The results of this deformed limit are compared with the vibrational one based on the QRPA formalism.... more
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      Group TheoryNuclear StructureExcited statesNeutrinoless Double Beta Decay
The self-consistent quasiparticle random phase approximation ͑SCQRPA͒ within the O͑5͒ model in the coupled proton-neutron representation is analyzed. The exact vacuum wave function is used to compute all involved matrix elements. A... more
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      Nuclear StructureStability AnalysisPhase transitionEigenvalues
The first, to our knowledge, calculation of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ-decay) matrix elements within the self-consistent renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (SRQRPA) is presented. The contribution from the... more
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      Nuclear StructureBeta decayHartree fock methodNeutrinoless Double Beta Decay
The renormalized proton-neutron quasiparticle random phase approximation approach has been used to study double beta decay matrix elements and associated transition half-lives for neutrino-accompanied double beta decay to the first... more
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      Beta decayExcited statesHartree fock methodNeutrinoless Double Beta Decay
We analyze the contributions to the neutrinoless double β decay (0νββdecay) coming from the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with trilinear R-parity breaking. We discuss the importance of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsSupersymmetric ModelsWeak interactionBeta decay
The first, to our knowledge, calculation of neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ-decay) matrix elements within the self-consistent renormalized Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (SRQRPA) is presented. The contribution from the... more
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      Nuclear StructureBeta decayNeutrinoless Double Beta DecayNuclear Matrix
The γ-ray strength function is an important input quantity for the determination of the photoreaction rate and the neutron capture rate for astrophysics as well as for nuclear technologies. To test model predictions, the photoabsorption... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationSimulationFluctuationsCross Section
The νe− 56 Fe cross section is evaluated in the projected quasiparticle random phase approximation (PQRPA). This model solves the puzzle observed in RPA for nuclei with mass around 12 C, because it is the only RPA model that treats the... more
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      IronSpectrumCross SectionExperimental Data
The beta-decay of the N = Z, even-even nucleus 72 Kr has been studied at the ISOLDE PSB facility at CERN. Measurements of βγ and βγγ coincidences have enriched the decay scheme of the daughter nucleus 72 Br with 27 new low spin levels. A... more
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      Beta decayNearest NeighbourPoisson DistributionCumulant
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      Nuclear StructureInverse KinematicsExcited statesFRONTIERS
The acquisition of precise and reliable nuclear data is a prerequisite to success for stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis studies. Core-collapse simulators find it challenging to generate an explosion from the collapse of the core of... more
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      Stellar EvolutionWeak interactionIronЯдерная физика