katedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 disketa.; rozsah: 54 s. (9 623 znaků)This Bachelor thesis deals with the forms, causes, dependencies, and especially the theories related to alcohol. The main aim was to clarify how the homeless live, and not only...
morekatedra: KSS; přílohy: 1 disketa.; rozsah: 54 s. (9 623 znaků)This Bachelor thesis deals with the forms, causes, dependencies, and especially the theories related to alcohol. The main aim was to clarify how the homeless live, and not only the physical and legal, but mainly social. The work is divided into two parts.In the theoretical part, the definition, defining the target group, described the emergence of homelessness, the cause of homelessness, addiction and homelessness related to alcohol. The aim is to describe the theoretical and practical reasons, factors, forms, problems of homelessness and alcohol abuse.The practical part through the introduction describes the research methodology, determining the conditions and not among the final interpretation of the results of the research.Uvedená Bakalářská práce pojednává o formách, příčinách, závislostech, teoriích a především o vztahu k alkoholu. Hlavním cílem bylo objasnit, jak se žije bez domova, a to nejenom toho fyzického a psy...