Recent papers in Psychatry
Unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents are a vulnerable group: they live not only in a relatively difficult situation as minor refugees staying in another country, but also face other risks due to the absence of their parents,... more
Versión final en: Comunidades (de los) vivientes, Mónica Cragnolini (ed.), Buenos Aires, La cebra, 2018, 176 pp., ISBN 978-987-3621-48-2. A primera vista, podría parecer que una investigación sobre la figura del idiota, del estúpido o del... more
Objective: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms and complaints among remand prisoners in Switzerland and to analyze the relationships between psychiatric symptoms, physical health and substance... more
Irish Families Under Stress Vol 3
Unaccompanied refugee children and adolescents are a vulnerable group: they live not only in a relatively difficult situation as minor refugees staying in another country, but also face other risks due to the absence of their parents,... more