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A method for solving the contact problem for generic helical gear pairs (either external or inter- nal) is described. Gear profiles are obtained by means of numerical simulation of the cutting pro- cess and an accurate description is... more
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      Product design and Finite Element Analysis, GEARSGears
Crack propagation in gears is a problem related not only to the life of the components, but also to the concept of failsafe design. Fail safe design means to design a component in order that, if a failure occurs, this may cause a “safe... more
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      Product design and Finite Element Analysis, GEARSGearsGears Modeling
Gear teeth failure due to fatigue is a common phenomenon observed. Even a slight reduction in the root tensile stress results in great increase in the fatigue life of a gear. If gear fails in tensile fatigue, the results are... more
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      DesignEngineering Product DesignFEMProduct design and Finite Element Analysis, GEARS
Nowadays, the main method of machining the gears with a module in the range 1-25 mm, which are integral parts of modern machines, remains hobbing. Operations of the toothed crown processing determine the efficiency of the entire... more
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    • Product design and Finite Element Analysis, GEARS
Los trenes de engranajes son utilizados masivamente en sistemas de transmision de potencia mecanica. Aun cuando las carcasas y los ejes utilizados son generalmente muy rıgidos, cuando se aplican torques y fuerzas externas sobre el tren de... more
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      Product design and Finite Element Analysis, GEARSEngranajes
The progress of additive manufacturing technology brings about many new questions and challenges. Additive manufacturing technology allows for designing machine elements with smaller mass, but at the same time with the same stiffness and... more
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      Product design and Finite Element Analysis, GEARSGearsSpurscontact stresses; CAD, CAE simulation, spur gear modelling