Possible Worlds Semantics and Essentialism
Recent papers in Possible Worlds Semantics and Essentialism
The core of D. Lewis' many con tribution to philosophy, including his work in philosophical ontolo gy, intensional logic and semantics, probability and decision theory, and topics within philosophy of science as well as a distinguished... more
In: Márton Miklós -Molnár Gábor -Tőzsér János (szerk.) Megértés, magyarázat, realizmus. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó. Megjelenés előtt.
V súčasnej analytickej metafyzike je všeobecne prijímaný názor, že modálny realizmus nie je možné obohatiť o nemožné svety. Cieľom predkladanej práce je preukázať opak. V prvej kapitole predstavím problematiku modalít, predstavím modálny... more
Chaumont-Lévy Sébastien, agrégatif en philosophie, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne Résumé: Dans le format qui lui est ici imparti, le travail qui suit se veut une tentative d'élucidation des corrélations insoupçonnées qui unissent... more
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work is threefold: First, to develop a textual model of literary genres based on generic categories, natural and elemental, capable of being applied to all literary texts, existing or imaginable; second, to... more
Robert Stalnaker contrasts two interpretations, semantic and metase-mantic, of the two-dimensionalist framework. On the semantic interpretation, the primary intension or diagonal proposition associated with an utterance is a semantic... more
Using possible worlds some paradoxes might be avoided. As many paradoxes are a result of self-referentiality, the object/expression subject to self-referentiality can have two copies, exactly alike in all respects, with one in one... more