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Las tecnologías de la información inciden en todos los campos del saber. El portafolio profesional no queda exento de su influjo. Cada vez más, las instituciones de educación superior requieren la elaboración de un portafolio... more
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      AssessmentPortfolio studiesE-PortfoliosPortafolio
suggests that teachers in general are not proficient in classroom assessment practices.
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEvaluation ResearchPortfolio studiesConstructivism
Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools The eventological theory of decision-making, the theory of eventfull decision-making is a theory of decision-making based on eventological... more
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      Mathematical StatisticsProbability TheoryRandomized AlgorithmsStatistics
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      Portfolio studiesEducational Assesment
The purpose of this study is to explore views of prep-school students towards portfolio assessment in their writing courses. It has also intended to find out exam preference of the participants. The participants of the study are 140... more
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    • Portfolio studies
An electronic portfolio system, designed to serve as a resource-based learning space, was tested in a fifth-grade science class. The control-group students accessed a traditional folder-based information display in the system and the... more
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      E-learningPortfolio studiesConcept MapElectronic Portfolios
La recherche INO, Identité Numérique et Orientation, articule une réflexion sur l’identité numérique, désignant les représentations (contributions et traces d’activité) d’une personne présentes dans les systèmes d’informations et sur... more
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      Portfolio studiesCareer GuidanceDigital IdentityCompetency-Based Education
Aims.  This study was aimed at comparing perceptions of portfolios between student nurses at the early and latter stages of their training and how they compare with their lecturers’ perceptions.Background.  Portfolios are used widely in... more
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      PsychologyNursingPortfolio studiesNurse education research
Un dels canvis més importants que introdueix el procés de convergència cap a l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior és potenciar l’autonomia en l’aprenentatge de l’estudiant i aquest requereix, entre d’altres factors, canviar la pràctica de... more
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      Portfolio studiesEducational Assesment
Aims. This study was aimed at comparing perceptions of portfolios between student nurses at the early and latter stages of their training and how they compare with their lecturers' perceptions. Background. Portfolios are used widely in... more
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      PsychologyNursingPortfolio studiesNurse education research