Population Characteristics
Recent papers in Population Characteristics
This paper examines the impact of immigrants on the income of various groups of resident workers in the United States and Europe. Our approach features the use of a production technology incorporating education, experience, and unskilled... more
Original Version of a paper published in translation (Dutch) in 'Cultuur en Migratie',l986, 2.
This paper studies the di¨erences in earnings between Mexican legal and illegal immigrants in the United States. The analysis includes a crosssectional examination of the wage di¨erences between legal and undocumented workers as well as a... more
Perhaps one of the most pervasive phenomena among teenaged females today is "teenage fertility." The purpose of this article is to describe teenage fertility as it relates to developing countries. The study attempts to pose the problem by... more
The Prevention of Maternal Mortality Program is a collaborative effort of Columbia University's Center for Population and Family Health and multidisciplinary teams of researchers from Ghana, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. Program goals include... more
n Abstract Life history theory offers evolutionary explanations for the timing of life events, with a particular focus on age-schedules of fertility and mortality and growth. Traditional models examine trade-offs between current and... more
John Turner's benchmark model of the Latin American city depicts relationships between urban growth and the intra-urban mobility, shelter, economic status and location of its low-income migrants. This conceptual model, described below,... more
n Abstract Life history theory offers evolutionary explanations for the timing of life events, with a particular focus on age-schedules of fertility and mortality and growth. Traditional models examine trade-offs between current and... more
This study reports findings from interviews with three groups of black teenagers: child bearers (n = 136), terminators (n = 92), and contraceptors (never been pregnant, n = 151). The focus of this research is to describe the differences... more
Res eai•ch R e poi-ts , which record research conducted a.t ILA.SA , a.re independently reviewed before publication. Views or opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the Institute , its Na.tiona.l Member... more
The growing of crops on open and undeveloped spaces within urban zones in eastern and southern African cities has become an important source of food security. Urban populations have expanded without a corresponding increase in economic... more
The article analyzes the role of families in processes of rural-urban migration in India in the twentieth century. It shows that the continuous circular form of this migration should be explained as a consequence of rural family... more
Summary The Marriage Question, hotly debated during the late Victoria era, concerned whether the younger generation was marrying at the “proper time”, neither irresponsibly too early nor selfishly too late. Data for the colony of... more
non-childbearing sample. The remarkable behavioral similarity between the two groups of women when workloads are high is explained by reference to childcare practices and labor constraints prevailing in the community.
This article deals with the social, economic and demographic aspects of labor migration from Sri Lanka to the Middle East. The findings are based on a survey covering 891 return migrants and 866 family members of current migrants, as well... more
Arnica montana L. is a critically endangered and highly valued medicinal plant species in Europe. We show the inter-relationships between arnica and accompanying plant species, as well as soil factors, that promote the persistence of the... more
Considerable demographic data on the Barí were provided by the 1982 Venezuelan Indian census. Some of these data are presented here and used to test the hypothesis, suggested by the Barí themselves, that territorial exogamy was caused... more
In the article the process of navigating through multi-faith communities is described as often being complicated by well-travelled routes that offer no new prospects. Usually these routes merely lead to a further erosion of existing... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This is a review of short-and long-term consequences of low birth weight (LBW) and of some of its determinants. The results of observational studies and of nutritional experiments aimed at clarifying the relationship between maternal... more
"Procedures for decomposing differences between two populations--for example, into the part that is due to differences in age-specific rates and the part that is due to differences in age distributions--have been used to... more
This paper considers the ways in which discourses of abortion and discourses of national identity were constructed and reproduced through the events of the X case in the Republic of Ireland in 1992. This case involved a state injunction... more
In the past, ethnic enclaves have functioned as homogeneous residential areas providing support and comfort to newly arrived immigrants. A new form of urban village is increasingly serving commuting immigrants who live in integrated... more
Current STD control efforts are largely confined to female sex workers (FSWs) registered with the local Social Hygiene Clinics. This study was conducted to compare the prevalence of gonococcal and chlamydial infections and its behavioral... more
This article discusses the extent of child rape in India, case studies of girl children in legal procedures, rape settings and perpetrators, public morality, and the nature of rape laws in India. It is concluded that there is no safe... more
This study examines the effects of pay-as-you-go social security programs in aging economies when the middle-aged both educate their dependent children and subsidize the retirement of the old. Using an overlapping generations framework in... more
This article argues that in order to fully understand the geography of labour migration to global cities, it is necessary to consider economic forces in conjunction with mediating socio-cultural influences. Support for this argument is... more