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Ras-related protein (Rab-5a) is primarily involved in the regulation of early endosome fusion during endocytosis and takes part in the budding process. During GTP hydrolysis, Rab5a spotted in the cytoplasmic side of early endosomes in... more
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      Molecular Dynamics SimulationStructure-function relationshipsPoint MutationsPoint Mutations In Proteins
Networks and clusters of intramolecular interactions, as well as their ''communication'' across the three-dimensional architecture have a prominent role in determining protein stability and function. Special attention has been dedicated... more
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      Molecular Dynamics SimulationProtein DynamicsExtremophilesCold Adaptation
E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes are crucial mediators of protein ubiquitination, which strongly influence the ultimate fate of the target substrates. Recently, it has been shown that the activity of several enzymes of the ubiquitination... more
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      ThermodynamicsMolecular Dynamics SimulationPrincipal Component AnalysisProtein Dynamics
The stability scale of 20 amino acid residues is derived from a database of 1023 mutation experiments on 35 proteins. The resulting scale of hydrophobic residues has an excellent correlation with the octanol-to-water transfer free energy... more
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      Protein EngineeringProtein StabilityPoint Mutations In Proteins
Ras-related protein (Rab-5a) is primarily involved in the regulation of early endosome fusion during endocytosis and takes part in the budding process. During GTP hydrolysis, Rab5a was spotted in the cytoplasmic side of early endo-somes... more
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      Structure-function relationshipsStructural AnalysisPoint MutationsMD simulations