Play Soccer
Recent papers in Play Soccer
Sports Geographer BJ Pheasant has calculated the ratios of needed incoming male college freshman soccer players versus the number of 12th grade boys soccer players in each state. The ratio shows the number of players from each U18 club... more
El cinco de febrero de mil novecientos ochenta y cinco (1985), nació en la isla de Madeira, Portugal, Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro (Cristiano Ronaldo). Dos años más tarde, al otro lado del charco, nacería Lionel Andrés Messi... more
مسرد مصطلحات كرة القدم: انجليزي- عربي - إعداد : سمير الشناوي
The article focuses on the football Ultras and their involvement in the stadium as a social situation and contextual environment from a linguistic point of view. The focus of the article is on the Fiorentina Ultras - Ultras Viola - as it... more
"There has been little research into the psychological factors affecting footballers at different levels (Hanin et al, 2000), in particular, the mental toughness and hardiness of footballers. The aim of the present study was to... more
One initial step in the management of stakeholders is the identification and classification of these actors. This study sought to answer the research question: how managers of Brazilian professional soccer clubs identify and classify... more
Assessing the relative contribution of offensive and defensive football to success in the UEFA Champion's League, data related to the 513 clubs that have taken part to competition between 1955 and 2019 are analyzed using regression... more
Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. It is a close contact sport with many resulting foot and ankle injuries. The incidence of foot and ankle injuries in elite soccer is estimated at between 3 and 9 injuries per 1000player hours... more
The aim of this study is to examine the effect of eight-week core and balance training on single-leg sway parameters and well-directed kick of male soccer players. 24 male players of an amateur soccer club aged 14 to 15 participated in... more
Современные представления о спортивной тренировке в футболе и решении поставленных задач на разных этапах процесса подготовки футболистов показывают нам, что характеристика соревновательной деятельности и тренировочного процесса в футболе... more
The active rest phase is the transition period of annual training planning. In Turkey, especially in amateur sports clubs, there exists a transition period of four or four and a half months, and this period, in general, passes with... more
A goalkeeper is special because he is the team's last line of defence and the first line of offense. Being the last person on the defensive gives him the privilege to handle the ball [1]. Since the changes to the laws of the football... more
Introduction This paper presents a part of the initial measurement of extensive research that examines the effects of plyometric training method on the body composition, motoric and functional abilities of athletes. The research problem... more
La Eurocopa 2021. La Eurocopa o copa de Europa, actualmente también mencionada Euro; es el campeonato de futbol masculino más importante de Europa obviamente y se celebra cada cuatro años, organizado por la UEFA (Unión de Federaciones... more
In the wake of the massive human displacement from Syria (2011–), some international NGOs (INGOs) have intervened in Lebanon to prevent Lebanese and Syrian youth from “radicalizing” and joining armed groups. In the framework of... more
Сажетак Циљ овог истраживања је да се испита повезаност између поседа лопте, контаката са лоптом и контакт индекса у утакмицама освајача медаља на Светском фудбалском првенству 2010. године. Питање на које се овим истраживањем тражи... more
Whereas an initial step in the management of stakeholders is the identification and classification of these actors, this study sought to answer the research question: how managers of Brazilian professional soccer clubs identify and... more
Soccer is not just soccer. Soccer is the emotional worldvthat contains it and determines the weight of its socialvand subjective significance.