Recent papers in Phobias
This paper describes a study to examine how a social situation can be simulated in a virtual environment, and how to provoke the same behavioral response as in a real life social situation. The aim is to create new Virtual Reality worlds... more
Background: Animal phobias in young people with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability can impede access to the community and cause risky behaviours. Previous studies have suggested that CBT including systematic... more
This paper reviews the evidence for Neolithic burial practices in SE Arabia, focusing in particular on sites in the Ja'alan region of eastern Oman. Attention is given to the nature of material buried with human remains, including... more
Einleitung 1 Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des NLP 2 Eine erste persönliche Erfahrung mit NLP 3 Eine erste inhaltliche Begegnung 4 Erster Ausbildungsversuch... more
The present study examined the impact of a group treatment protocol based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) that was tailored toward the avoidant behaviors and life problems typical for socially anxious persons. Twenty-two... more
The purpose of the research was to compare the effectiveness of the following treatment methods for fear of flying: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) integrated with systematic desensitization, CBT combined with eye movement... more
Գրքում ներկայացված են տագնապի և տագնապային խանգարումների հիմնական տեսակները, ինչպես նաև դրանց պատճառականության, զարգացման և հաղթահարման ժամանակակից պատկերացումները։ Քննարկվում են վերջիններիս նեյրոկոգնիտիվ մոդելը, նեյրոկենսաբանական... more
Background: Social phobia is a chronic distressing psychological disorder with a huge disease burden which has not been sufficiently addressed. The study aims to ascertain the prevalence and correlates of social phobia and its impact on... more
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi entender por que um trabalho fotográfico como a macrofotografia de pequenos invertebrados, principalmente de insetos e aracnídeos, largamente difundida e utilizada em diversos ambientes como o educacional,... more
What is phobia?
What caused phobia?
What are the differences between normal fears and phobia?
How to cure phobia?
What caused phobia?
What are the differences between normal fears and phobia?
How to cure phobia?
[This book explains how to acquire a psychiatric illness. There are thousands of books on the market offering a variety of treatments, and laying down the rules for healthy living; however, they have all proved ineffective. This work,... more
The purpose of this essay is to weave a conceptual reading of inhibition of action, which is based upon the formula that defines it as a restriction of an ego-function. This analysis is structured accordingly to the three axes that... more
Daha önce Travma Sonrası Stres Bozukluğu (TSSB) tanısı için dolaylı yoldan travmatik olayla karşılaşma kabul görmüş iken The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-V) ile birlikte artık bunun geçerli olmadığını... more
Analysis of a psychosocial problem from the perspective of psychoanalysis Las fobias forman parte de una problemática psicosocial que aqueja al 9% de la población mundial. (UNAM, 2017). El campo del psicoanálisis ha hecho lo propio en... more
Starting from the concept of anxiety, we proceeded to separate the “physiological” form from the “pathological” forms, distinguishing between fear, anguish, panic, phobia, fear, terror and stress, all terms often confused and overlapped... more
"They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you." –Philip Larkin zombie, n. “a small yellow flower” Yorgos Lanthimos’... more
Review of Bernard Schweizer. Hating God: The Untold Story of Misotheism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011)." Journal of Theological Studies 63:1 (April, 2012), pp. 427-431.
This study aimed to test a combined treatment with eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), compared with CBT integrated with systematic desensitization, in reducing fear of flying.... more
Toute activité sportive est perçue en général comme étant positive et bénéfique. Mais quand, cette activité libératrice à la base, devient addiction, teintée de souffrance et des syndromes de manque, elle n’est plus centrée sur le... more
Τι είναι η ΙΨΔ Η Ιδεοψυχαναγκαστική διαταραχή είναι μια διαταραχή που ανήκει στις αγχώδεις διαταραχές. Το άτομο που πάσχει από ΙΨΔ παγιδεύεται από μια σειρά επαναληπτικών σκέψεων που ονομάζονται ιδεοληψίες και επαναλαμβανόμενων... more
This article examines how abolitionists developed a rhetorical tradition premised on the neologisms colorphobia and Negrophobia in order to posit an affective basis for race prejudice. These concepts functioned initially as puns on... more
In an important sense, Freud’s metapsychology is built on the back of animal phobias, which he repeatedly trots out whenever he needs to substan- tiate his theories of the castration complex, anxiety, and even the foundational Oedipal... more
Abstract Three-dimensional (3D) environments are increasingly being used to provide therapy to those suffering from mental health problems. Virtual environments can provide a safe and realistic simulation to expose patients to the cause... more
Americans can be divided into two groups: those who own guns and those who do not. Although people who own guns and people who do not own guns are often separated along social, cultural, and political lines, it is unclear whether these... more
To cite this article: Maximiliano E. Korstanje (2011): The fear of traveling: a new perspective for tourism and hospitality, Anatolia, 22:2, 222-233 To link to this article: http://dx.
Hate and fear are negative but very powerful influences on human beings. Islamophobia is hate for and fear of Islam. Like every human-feeling hate, fear and anger are not evil in themselves. After all we should hate crime, fear... more
Trypophobia adalah jenis ketakutan pada pola berlubang yang berulang, kadang juga berornamen. Sedangkan phobia sendiri adalah ketakutan secara berlebihan pada suatu hal. Trypophobia secara umum dapat diartikan sebagai penyakit psikologis... more
Acrophobia is a scientific term used to describe the fear of height. To some people, this fear is manageable, but to others, the fear could pose danger to their life if it stars to interfere with their day to day activities. The... more
Φόβος είναι μια συναισθηματική αντίδραση με προσαρμοστική αξία, που εκλύεται σε κάποιο συγκεκριμένο αντικειμενικό κίνδυνο. Παρά το γεγονός ότι ο φόβος, ως έναν βαθμό, είναι κάτι συνηθισμένο στην παιδική ηλικία και εφηβική ηλικία, η... more
Representations of serpents are ubiquitous in the iconography of pre-Hispanic and early colonial Mesoamerica. Snakes, and reptilian features combined with other signs and symbols, are found in visual and verbal expressions of the... more
This paper explores the traits of the leadership dexterity of special students. Leadership in special students is not an expected phenomenon. Cases of special students studying at the University of Tampere, Finland are reported on here.... more
En este estudio se explora la utilidad de estudiar el papel de los conflictos cognitivos en la fobia social. Este concepto hace referencia a aquellos casos en los que la sintomatología adquiere para el paciente connotaciones positivas... more
In the present study an attempt has been made to understand the differences in state-trait anxiety, spiritualism, and maladjustment among three different groups of participants showing symptoms of phobia (specific phobia, social phobia,... more
The present study describes the psychometric properties of the Italian adaptation of two self-report scales for fear of flying assessment: the Flight Anxiety Situations questionnaire (FAS), which measures anxiety related to specific... more
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The Freudian and Kleinian conceptions of the struggle between 'life' and 'death' instincts are not identical. This paper puts forward a model which attempts both to reconcile and add to the differences between them, whilst... more