Recent papers in Philogelos
Este artigo faz um retrospecto da condição servil do antigo pedagogo grego e discute, com base no Filógelo, um livro de anedotas do séc. IV e V A.D., e em Paladas de Alexandria, um poeta do séc. IV A.D., se ocorreu, de fato, uma transição... more
Che cosa raccontava la nutrice al piccolo Cicerone prima di metterlo a letto? Quali barzellette circolavano nelle botteghe dei barbieri di Atene? Nell'antichità, esattamente come oggi, nella vita di tutti erano presenti fiabe, facezie,... more
Projekt okładki: Stanisław Stosiek ISBN: 978-83-8090-000-0 (wersja drukowana) ISBN: 978-83-8090-000-0 (wersja elektroniczna) Skład i łamanie tekstu: Renata Witkowska Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w... more
Part of a repertoire of texts that I plan to employ in a LATN 400 course called “Text as Artifact.” Still in the development stage, but I've begun making them available in case anyone might find them useful, or be willing to pass along... more
An analysis of the religious vocabulary of Philogelos, the only self-standing collection of jokes that has come to us from antiquity, shows in many cases a substantial overlap between pagan and Christian lexicon. Among the most markedly... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione.-2. Materiale epigrafico non giuridico.-3. Testi giuridici.-4. Conclusioni.-Abstract. 1.-Introduzione Tra i disagi che angustiavano gli abitanti delle città antiche assai fastidioso era quello dei rifiuti, spesso... more
This article analyzes the servile condition of the ancient Greek pedagogue and discusses, based on the Philogelus, an anecdote book from the fourth or fifth century A.D., and Paladas of Alexandria, a poet of the IV century A.D., if there... more
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. Aux termes du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle, toute reproduction ou représentation, intégrale ou partielle, faite par quelque procédé que ce soit (photocopie, photographie, microfilm, bande... more
IF YOU WOULD LIKE A PDF OF THE FULL ARTICLE PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO IK6MG -AT- VIRGINIA.EDU! David Hume, the Scottish Enlightenment philosopher, found solace in reading the works of Lucian of Samosata on his deathbed, in particular his... more
This article analyzes the servile condition of the ancient Greek pedagogue and discusses, based on the Philogelus, an anecdote book from the fourth or fifth century A.D., and Paladas of Alexandria, a poet of the IV century A.D., if there... more
Italian translation of Philogelos, with notes.
The aim of the article is to present the selected fragments of the ancient jest book Philogelos, interesting from the linguistic and literary standpoint. Epigrams from the Greek Anthology, analogical in contents, shall be also presented.... more
La comica apocalisse nella poesia del Trecento e del Quattrocento I secoli XIV e XV videro l'esplosione dei generi comici basati sulla parodia dei generi alti e sull'uso di innesti lessicali, semantici e tecnici tolti direttamente dalle... more