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In this paper, we find all the solutions of the Diophantine equation P +P m +P n = 2 a , in nonnegative integer variables (n, m, , a) where P k is the k-th term of the Pell sequence {P n } n≥0 given by P 0 = 0, P 1 = 1 and P n+1 = 2P n +P... more
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      Analytic Number TheoryPell Numbers
Let $w_{n+2}=pw_{n+1}+qw_{n}$ for $n\geq0$ with $w_0=a$ and $w_1=b$. In this paper we find an explicit expression, in terms of determinants, for $\sum_{n\geq0} w_n^kx^n$ for any $k\geq1$. As a consequence, we derive all the previously... more
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      MathematicsCombinatoricsKey wordsFibonacci numbers
We use a generalization of an identity of Cesaro for deriving explicit bounds for the moduli of the zeros of a polynomial and we obtain a new bound involving binomial coefficients and Pell numbers. (~)
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      Applied MathematicsPell NumbersBinomial Coefficient