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This is the English text of the article written with Paolo Dall'Oglio that was published in French.
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      Syrian StudiesSyriaIslam and Christianity: relations and exchange of ideasLouis Massignon
Il 29 luglio 2013, padre Paolo Dall’Oglio è stato rapito in Siria, a Raqqa. Da allora di lui non si sa più nulla. Per il grande pubblico, Dall’Oglio è un semplice sacerdote gesuita, in realtà è la voce più forte, autorevole e determinata... more
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La globalizzazione è, in grande, ciò che da sempre è avvenuto nella regione mediterranea: scambi continui di persone, confronti e scontri culturali, dialoghi e lotte religiose, assenza di confini netti, traffici economici, e... more
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      ChristianityMediterraneanIslamInterreligious Dialogue
One of the most problematic areas in Christian-Islamic dialogue is that of monasticism. Misunderstandings abound with Christians believing that the concept of a brother or sisterhood devoted entirely to God is alien to Muslims and Muslims... more
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      TheologyIslamInterfaith DialogueLouis Massignon
This is an article that explains the theology of the Community of Al-Khalil at Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi in Nebek, Syria. It was written with the founder of the Community, Fr. Paolo Dall'Oglio S.J.
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      Syrian StudiesIslamic StudiesSyriaLouis Massignon
"Il était une fois... Les Sept Dormants d'Éphèse. Des saints communs au christianisme et à l'islam, qui auraient dormi plusieurs siècles avant de se réveiller miraculeusement... Comment un tel mythe -- partagé par les chrétiens et les... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesMediterraneanMuslim-Christian RelationInterreligious Dialogue
Film diffusé dans le cadre de l'exposition LIEUX SAINTS PARTAGÉS présentée au MUSÉE DES CIVILISATIONS DE L'EUROPE ET DE LA MÉDITERRANÉE (MuCEM) à Marseille du 29 avril au 31 août 2015 : "En 1982,... more
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      PilgrimageSyrian StudiesMuslim-Christian RelationFilm Exhibition
es Sept Dormants d’Éphèse sont des saints partagés par les chrétiens et les musulmans, sous le nom des Ahl al-Kahf, les Gens de la Caverne. Leur sainteté vient du fait qu’ils auraient dormi d’un très long sommeil (176, 196, 309, 372... more
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      Christian-Muslim DialogueLouis MassignonAshab-ı KehfMonks of Tibhirine