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descripcion de las plantas medicinales en el Paraguay
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      MineralogyFisiología VegetalOrigen De Los Minerales
This is a book about a great investigation of minerals (properties, crystalline structure, origins, formula and places where find it). It is divided according Strunz clasification // Este es un libro en ingles acerca de una gran... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringGeologyIngeniería
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      Didáctica de las matemáticas en Educación BásicaOrigen De Los Minerales
The Jebel al-Ma'taradh and its surroundings contain exceptional deposits of lithic raw materials, including flint and chert, but especially chalcedony, agate, carnelian, and chrysoprase. These deposits were intensively exploited during... more
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      Mining EngineeringHuman GeographyArchaeologyExperimental Archaeology
Este documento es el folleto de Geoquimica Introductiva del curso G-0023 que dicto mi padre Rolando Castillo Muñoz en la Escuela Centroamericana de Geologia de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
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      GeologíaGeoquímicaOrigen De Los Minerales