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The use of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) as an active layer in write-once-read-many optical storage is presented. This novel feature of BR materials may be used on a wide variety of substrates, among them transparent substrates but also paper... more
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      OpticsBiomedical EngineeringPhotochemistryComputer Security
The restoration of anterior teeth is a difficult task, even for an experienced operator. Currently there are many different ceramic systems that can be used to achieve highly esthetic results. These include metal-ceramics with porcelain... more
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      DentistryComputer Aided DesignDental MaterialsCeramics
PURPOSE: To develop an optical coherence tomography (OCT) classification system that monitors the response of eyes treated with photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin for subfoveal choroidal neovascularization (CNV) from age-related... more
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      Optical coherence tomographyPorphyrinsTomographyPhotodynamic Therapy
A depth-enhanced three-dimensional integral imaging system with electrically variable image planes is proposed. For implementing the variable image planes, polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal (PDLC) films and a projector are adopted as a new... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringElectrochemistryLiquid CrystalsPolymers
Conflict of interest statement: The authors are employed by Pacific Biosciences, Inc., which has carried out the research described as part of a for-profit commercial development program.
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      Materials ScienceFluorescence MicroscopyGlassMedicine
The optical properties of four currently ysed and two recently introduced maxillofacial prosthetic materials were evaluated after the materials were subjected to the following seven environmental variables: natural weathering; normal... more
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      Physical ChemistryDentistryBiomedical EngineeringDental Materials
Keratometry is currently achieved by projecting a circular mire onto the patient's cornea and analyzing the size and shape of its reflected image. The projection mires are decisive for the precision of the measurement. We have... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringOphthalmologyResearch DesignCornea
PURPOSE: To explore the impact of spherical aberration (SA) on contrast sensitivity using an adaptive optics vision simulator to determine the optimal amount of SA to include in customized corrections of wavefront aberrations.
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      Adaptive OpticsContrast sensitivityCataractClinical Sciences
Two-dimensional electronic coherence spectroscopy ͑ECS͒ is an important method to study the coupling between distinct optical modes of a material system. Such studies often involve excitation using a sequence of phased ultrashort laser... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsPhysical ChemistryElectronics
The mode spectrum in an optical nanowaveguide consisting of a dielectric-core layer surrounded by two identical metal layers is investigated. A simple model based on mode matching to predict the properties of mode propagation in such... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignNanotechnologyConfocal Microscopy
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
Bifunctional DNA oligonucleotides serve as templates for chromophoric silver clusters and as recognition sites for target DNA strands, and communication between these two components is the basis of an oligonucleotide sensor. Few-atom... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryNanotechnologyDNA
Recently, conducting polymers have attracted much interest in the development of biosensors. The electrically conducting polymers are known to possess numerous features, which allow them to act as excellent materials for immobilization of... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringHealth CareEnvironmental Monitoring
Modern optoelectronic devices, such as light-emitting diodes, fieldeffect transistors and organic solar cells require well controlled motion of charges for their efficient operation. The understanding of the processes that determine... more
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      ChemistryElectronicsQuantum TheoryOrganic Semiconductors
The photosynthetic apparatus of green sulfur bacteria, the chlorosome, is generally considered as a highly efficient natural light-harvesting system. The efficient exciton transport through chlorosomes toward the reaction centers... more
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      ChemistryPhotochemistrySelf AssemblyPorphyrins
We report the demonstration of time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) to ex vivo decayed and healthy dentinal tooth structures, using a white-light supercontinuum excitation source. By using a... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMicroscopyFluorescence Microscopy
Optics has played a key role in the rapidly developing field of molecular imaging. The spectroscopic nature and high-resolution imaging capabilities of light provide a means for probing biological morphology and function at the cellular... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMolecular BiologyNonlinear OpticsOptical coherence tomography
To assess the effect of intraocular lens (IOL) orientation (vertical versus horizontal) and haptic design (1-piece versus 3-piece) on centration and tilt using a Purkinje meter.
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      Follow-up studiesCataractClinical SciencesAged
A technique for accurate superimposition of computerized perimetry data onto the corresponding retinal locations seen on fundus photographs was developed. The technique was designed to take into account: 1) that the photographic field of... more
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      PhotographyDiabetic RetinopathyLensesClinical Sciences
A commercial optically stimulated luminescence ͑OSL͒ system developed for radiation protection dosimetry by Landauer, Inc., the InLight™ microStar reader, was tested for dosimetry procedures in radiotherapy. The system uses carbon-doped... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMedical PhysicsRadiotherapyRadiometry
For long-term growth of mammalian cells in perfused bioreactors, it is essential to monitor the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) present in the culture medium to ascertain the health of the cells. An optical oxygen sensor based on... more
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      BioengineeringBiotechnologyMultidisciplinaryCell Culture
Novel metal clad leaky waveguide (MCLW) sensor devices have been developed for sensing applications. These chips are designed to confine the light in a low refractive index waveguide that encompasses the chemically-selective layer,... more
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      Analytical ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringElectrochemistryNanotechnology
We discuss the simultaneous existence of phononic and photonic band gaps in a periodic array of holes drilled in a Si membrane. We investigate in detail both the centered square lattice and the boron nitride (BN) lattice with two atoms... more
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      AcousticsMaterials ScienceOpticsSilicon
We experimentally demonstrate the control of the spontaneous emission rate and the radiation pattern of colloidal quantum dots deterministically positioned in a plasmonic patch antenna. The antenna consists of a thin gold microdisk 30 nm... more
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      NanotechnologyMultidisciplinaryQuantum DotsGold
The design, fabrication, characterization, and modeling of basic building blocks of plasmonic circuitry based on dielectric-loaded surface polariton waveguides, such as bends, splitters, and Mach-Zehnder interferometers are presented. The... more
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      Photonic Integrated CircuitsComputer Aided DesignComputer SimulationSurface Plasmons
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      Mechanical EngineeringAlgorithmsImage ProcessingRemote Sensing
Recent observations in man of concomitant mandibular and head movements during single maximal jaw-opening/-closing tasks suggest a close functional relationship between the mandibular and the head-neck motor systems. This study was aimed... more
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      DentistryElectronicsTemporomandibular JointMovement
Recently, joint Spectral and Time domain Optical Coherence Tomography (joint STdOCT) has been proposed to measure ocular blood flow velocity. Limitations of CCD technology allowed only for twodimensional imaging at that time. In this... more
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      Optical coherence tomographyFourier AnalysisAutomationLasers
DESIGN: Experimental study. METHODS: The Acrysof Restor C3.0 diopter (D) multifocal IOL with 2 main foci (bifocal IOL) and the Finevision multifocal IOL with 3 main foci (trifocal IOL) were evaluated. The optical quality was quantified... more
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      Clinical SciencesOptometry and OphthalmologyOptics and PhotonicsVisual Fields
We report on a high-speed, high-efficiency, high-duty-cycle, path-length-maintaining and linear beam scanner suitable for en face scanning optical coherence microscopy. Fast transverse beam scanning is achieved by use of a... more
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      Quantum PhysicsMicroscopyOptical coherence tomographyOptical physics
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      EngineeringPolymersDental Materialsbisphenol A
Diffuse photon density waves have lately been used both to characterize diffusive media and to locate and characterize hidden objects, such as tumors, in soft tissue. In practice, most biological media of medical interest consist of... more
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      DiffusionOptical physicsTheoretical ModelsOptometry and Ophthalmology
Analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC) is a versatile and powerful method for the quantitative analysis of macromolecules in solution. AUC has broad applications for the study of biomacromolecules in a wide range of solvents and over a wide... more
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      ThermodynamicsBiologyMedicineQuantitative analysis
We present a versatile terahertz time-domain spectrometer which allows reflection measurements at normal incidence and double pass transmission measurements in a single experimental setup. Two different modes for transmission measurements... more
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      Terahertz spectroscopyTerahertzOptical physicsCesium
The eukaryotic flagellum is host to a variety of dynamic behaviors, including flagellar beating, the motility of glycoproteins in the flagellar membrane, and intraflagellar transport (IFT), the bidirectional traffic of protein particles... more
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      FluorescenceFluorescence MicroscopyNanoparticlesFluorescent Dyes and Reagents
The optical transmission properties of two types of photonic crystals have been analyzed by using the transfer matrix method. The first one is the dielectric photonic crystal (DPC), and the second is the metallic photonic crystal (MPC).... more
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      TransmissionPhotonic Band Gap MaterialsOptics and Photonics
A number of functions for the autofocusing of microscopes and other optical instruments are to be found in the literature. In this article we compare 11 of them to determine, in an objective manner, which functions are most suitable for... more
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      MicroscopyFlow CytometryMultidisciplinaryOptics and Photonics
Higher order optical aberrations were measured in 273 cyclopleged Singaporean school children using a Bausch and Lomb Zywave aberrometer, with 268 of these subjects also undergoing corneal topography measurements (Tomey TMS 2 system).... more
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      MyopiaCorneaHigher Order ThinkingRefractive Error
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      Strength & ConditioningSkeletal muscle biologyAdolescentBasketball
Heightened patient expectations for precise postoperative refractive results have spurred the continued improvements in biometry and intraocular lens calculations. In order to meet these expectations, attention to proper patient... more
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      OptometryCorneaBiometryCataract surgery
The purpose of this study was to compare three methods to assess vertical jump height, to determine their limitations and to propose solutions to mitigate their effects. The chosen methods were the contact mat, the optical system and the... more
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      Skeletal muscle biologyMuscle strengthYoung AdultMedical Physiology
PURPOSE: To record and compare the spectral transmission characteristics of foldable untinted and yellow-tinted intraocular lenses (IOLs) and evaluate the protective effects against retinal damage by sunlight. SETTING: Shimane University... more
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      OphthalmologySurgeryTreatmentRadiation Protection
In cancer surgery, intra-operative assessment of the tumor-free margin, which is critical for the prognosis of the patient, relies on the visual appearance and palpation of the tumor. Optical imaging techniques provide real-time... more
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      PhysiologyNanoparticlesFluorescent Dyes and ReagentsNear Infrared
Oxygen-dependent quenching of phosphorescence is a useful and essentially noninvasive optical method for measuring oxygen in vivo and in vitro. Calibration of the phosphors is absolute, and once phosphors have been calibrated in one... more
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      BiochemistryAnalytical ChemistryKineticsMicrocirculation
Pulse oximeters are known to be inaccurate in the presence of elevated concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin. This paper attempts to alleviate some of the confusion that exists between fractional and functional saturation,... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringCarbon DioxideCalibrationPulse Oximetry
Ancient (in fact, first known) lenses (ca. 4600 years ago) mainly from the IVth and Vth Dynasties of Egypt had truly remarkable and unique optical properties. These were parts of equally fascinating eye structures. These structures were... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhysiological OpticsEgyptLenses
We report on a photodetector in which colloidal quantum dots directly bridge nanometer-spaced electrodes. Unlike in conventional quantum-dot thin film photodetectors, charge mobility no longer plays a role in our quantum-dot junctions as... more
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      PhotochemistryNanotechnologyConfocal MicroscopyMultidisciplinary
We have simulated diffuse reflectance spectra of skin by assuming a wavelength-independent scattering coefficient for the different skin tissues and using the known wavelength dependence of the absorption coefficient of oxy- and... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringMonte CarloNear Infrared
The Dutch merchant and naturalist Anton van Leeuwenhoek is considered to be the father of optic microscopy and the precursor of bacteriology. Among others, he discovered and studied the spermatozoon.
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      MicrobiologyMicroscopyCell BiologyNetherlands
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      Radiologic TechnologyClinical SciencesOptics and Photonics