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Despite the evolution of cloud computing in recent years, the performance and comprehensive understanding of the available private cloud tools are still under research. This paper contributes to an analysis of the Infrastructure as a... more
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      Cloud ComputingIaaSInfrastructure as a servicePrivate Cloud
OpenNebula Means Openness, Excellence, Cooperation and Innovation resource pooling, and dynamic provisioning. Using this Develop a simplest, powerful, highly-scalable and adaptable solution for building and managing virtualized data... more
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      VirtualizationVirtual MachineCloudOpennebula
Cloud Computing is becoming a viable computing solution for services oriented computing. Several open-source cloud solutions are available to these supports. Open-source software stacks offer a huge amount of customizability without huge... more
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      Cloud ComputingLoad BalancingCloud Computing and VirtualizationOpennebula
المستخلص كان يستخدم مصطلح السحابة في البداية للإشارة إلى الإنترنت، وذلك في مخططات الشبكات، حيث عرف على أنه رسم أولي لسحابة يتم استخدامها لتمثيل نقل البيانات من مراكز البيانات إلى موقعها النهائي في الجانب الآخر من السحابة. وقد جاءت فكرة... more
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      Open Source SoftwareCloud ComputingEucalyptusOntologies, Knowledge representation, Semantic web, Cloud computing, Ontology based data access, Knowlede management
OpenNebula combines existing virtualization technologies with powerful features for automatic provision, multi-tenancy, as well as elasticity, following a bottom-up approach driven by real needs of sysadmins and devops. OpenNebula exists... more
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      Cloud ComputingOpennebula
O objetivo primário do Projeto HiPerfCloud (High Performance in Cloud) é avaliação de desempenho em ambientes de nuvens IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) e analisar características de implantação e gerenciamento nas ferramentas... more
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      Cloud ComputingPerformance EvaluationOpenStackCloudStack
Despite the evolution of cloud computing in recent years, the performance and comprehensive understanding of the available private cloud tools are still under research. This paper contributes to an analysis of the Infrastructure as a... more
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      Cloud ComputingIaaSInfrastructure as a servicePrivate Cloud
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      OpennebulaComputação em Nuvem
Despite the evolution of cloud computing in recent years, the performance and comprehensive understanding of the available private cloud tools are still under research. This paper contributes to an analysis of the Infrastructure as a... more
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      Computer ScienceCloud ComputingIaaSInfrastructure as a service
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    • Opennebula
The OpenNebula and OpenStack tools have been used for large corporations and research centers to implement IaaS clouds. The management layer is an important element for the user and administrator because it deals with the resources... more
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      Cloud ComputingOpenStackOpennebula
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) clouds provide on-demand computing resources (i.e, memory, networking, storage and processing unit) for running applications. Studies that evaluate the IaaS cloud performance are limited to the... more
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      High Performance ComputingCloud ComputingIaaSOpenStack
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) clouds provide on-demand computing resources (i.e, memory, networking, storage and processing unit) for running applications. Studies that evaluate the IaaS cloud performance are limited to the... more
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      High Performance ComputingCloud ComputingIaaSOpenStack
O objetivo do Projeto HiPerfCloud (High Performance in Cloud) é essencialmente a avaliação de desempenho das ferramentas de administração de IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) e analisar o impacto que as mesmas podem causar em diferentes... more
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      Cloud ComputingPerformance EvaluationIaaSOpenStack
A computação em nuvem está se tornando cada vez mais presente nas infraestruturas empresarias e diversas ferramentas estão sendo criadas para auxiliar na administração dos recursos computacionais, que lidam diretamente com tecnologias de... more
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      High Performance ComputingComputer NetworksOpen Source SoftwarePerformance Evaluation (Computer Science)
Computational clouds consume a lot of energy and are responsible for causing the global emission of at least 2% of carbon dioxide. Current cloud management tools do not have resources for monitoring the energy consumption of their... more
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      High Performance ComputingGreen ComputingCloud ComputingCloud Resource Management
The IaaS service model is gaining attention due its importance to the cloud computing environment, it is responsible for simplifying the access and the management of high-end processing and storage systems, besides being the base that... more
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      Cloud ComputingCloud Computing SecuritySecurity in Cloud ComputingOpenStack
Nuvens computacionais consomem grandes quantidades de energia elétrica, sendo responsáveis pela emissão de pelo menos 2% do dióxido de carbono mundial. Por outro lado, as ferramentas de gerenciamento de nuvens atuais não dispõem de... more
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      High Performance ComputingGreen ComputingCloud ComputingCloud Resource Management
Resumo. A infraestrutura de Computaçãoo em Nuvem vem sendo uma alternativa à a execução de aplicações de alto desempenho. No entanto, o desempenho pode ser prejudicado devido a camada de virtualização e da ação das ferramentas de... more
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      Performance Evaluation (Computer Science)Cloud ComputingOpenStackOpennebula
Resumo. A infraestrutura de Computaçãoo em Nuvem vem sendo uma alternativa à a execução de aplicações de alto desempenho. No entanto, o desempenho pode ser prejudicado devido a camada de virtualização e da ação das ferramentas de... more
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      Performance Evaluation (Computer Science)Cloud ComputingOpenStackOpennebula
Ambientes de nuvem possibilitam a execução de aplicações sob demanda e são uma alternativa para aplicações científicas. O desempenho é um dos principais desafios, devido ao uso da virtualização que induz perdas e variações. O objetivo do... more
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      BenchmarkingCloud ComputingIaaSScientific applications