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    • OpenSSL
Data storage on personal computers is inherently insecure as authentication and file access control are handled by the host operating system. These security provisions can be bypassed if another operating system is used on the same... more
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      AuthenticationCyber SecurityFile SystemAuthorization
Heartbleed, a big Open Secure Socket Layer (OpenSSL) vulnerability appeared on the web on 7th April 2014. This highly risked vulnerability enabled attackers to remotely read protected memory contents from Hyper Text Transfer Protocol... more
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      Risk and VulnerabilityVulnerabilityCloud ComputingCloud Computing Security
OpenSSL mainly used for cryptography library which provides execution of SSL and TSL in opensource. As we all know that OpenSSL is used by around 60% of web servers present in the world. In current time information system security... more
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    • OpenSSL
Data storage on personal computers is inherently insecure as authentication and file access control are handled by the host operating system. These security provisions can be bypassed if another operating system is used on the same... more
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      Computer ScienceAuthenticationOPERATING SYSTEMCyber Security