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Priority and posteriority are about ordering: the prior comes before the posterior. In the 14th century, Latin scholastics discussed different types of ordering. They asked: what types of priority are there, and how should they be... more
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      Ontological dependenceMetaphysical groundingGroundingPriority
I use Plotinus to present absolute divine simplicity as the consequence of principles about metaphysical and explanatory priority to which most theists are already committed. I employ Phil Corkum's account of ontological independence as... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAristotlePhilosophical TheologyPlotinus
"The thesis vindicates the common-sense intuition that touch is more objective than the other senses. The reason why it is so, it is argued, is that touch is the only sense essential of the experience of physical effort, and that this... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of AgencyPhilosophy of ActionRemote Sensing
Brentano’s theory of continuity is based on his account of boundaries. The core idea of the theory is that boundaries and coincidences thereof belong to the essence of continua. Brentano is confident that he developed a full-fledged,... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyContinuum Theory
"This thesis introduces and defends the Axiological Theory of Pleasure (ATP), according to which all pleasures are mental episodes which exemplify an hedonic value. According to the version of the ATP defended, hedonic goodness is not a... more
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      Philosophy of MindMax SchelerPainAxiology
There are several passages in the Metaphysics where Aristotle explains ontological priority in terms of ontological dependence, but there are others where he seems to adopt a teleological conception of ontological priority. It is... more
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      AristotleAristotle's MetaphysicsOntological Priority and Dependence Relations
In the third chapter of his major work, the Controversy over the Existence of the World, Roman Ingarden discusses four varieties of dependence entities might exhibit. The aim of this essay is to explore these varieties and to put the... more
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      PhenomenologyOntological dependenceMetaphysical groundingEuropean philosophy
(Synthese) The current interest in the notions of ontological dependence and metaphysical grounding is usually associated with a renewal of interest in Aristotelian metaphysics. Curiously, some authors have recently argued that the... more
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      UniversalsOntological dependenceGroundingOntological Priority and Dependence Relations
Abstract: several conceptions of trope bundles have postulated mutual relations of ontological dependence to explain the unity of the bundle. The idea is that a bundle is a plurality of tropes such that each one of them is dependent on... more
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      TropesOntological dependenceIndividualsOntological Priority and Dependence Relations
In this commentary piece, I argue that Asay's accounts of truth and truthmaking in A Theory of Truthmaking give no role to the idea that truth depends on being. In fact, some of the positions taken in the book are in tension with this... more
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      Theories Of TruthTruthmakingOntological Priority and Dependence RelationsTruth, Deflationism, Correspondence