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      International RelationsHealth EducationConflict ResolutionTeaching Methods
In this work an X-ray pho toelectron spec troscopy study of ni trates Th(NO 3 ) 4 ×4H 2 O, UO 2 (NO 3 ) 2 ×nH 2 O, Pu(NO 3 ) 4 ×nH 2 O, and Am(NO 3 ) 2 ×nH 2 O was done in the binding energy range from 0 to 1000 eV in order to draw a... more
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    • Nuclear technology
This paper addresses the following observation: in Japan, in the East, as much as in the West, there is one same divide, the one separating art from science – or more broadly – separating the humanities from the modern sciences. My... more
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      Japanese StudiesPhilosophy of ScienceContemporary ArtModern Art
A review of existing analysis codes for nuclear fuel cycle systems was performed to determine if any existing codes meet technical and functional requirements defined for a U.S. national program supporting the global and domestic... more
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      System Dynamics ModelingSystem DynamicsWaste ManagementNuclear Energy
The Kilopower Project was initiated by NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate/ Game Changing Development Program in fiscal year 2015 to demonstrate subsystem-level technology readiness of small space fission power in a relevant... more
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      Nuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
Undoubtedly, energy production and their sustained growth constitute a relevant factor for ensuring the economic and social development of any country. Considering the different available energy sources that the world can use to satisfy... more
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      Nuclear technologyNuclear Science and Technology
This pa per de scribes the ap pli ca tion of SRNA Monte Carlo pack age for pro ton transport sim u la tions in com plex ge om e try and dif fer ent ma te rial com po si tion. SRNA pack age was de vel oped for 3D dose dis tri bu tion cal... more
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      Monte CarloNuclear technology
The objective of this work was to assess the potential of thorium based fuel to minimise Pu and MA production in Pressurised Water Reactors (PWRs). The assessment was carried out by examining destruction rates and residual amounts of Pu... more
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      Heavy MetalNuclear reactorNuclear technologyPressurized Water Reactor
The gas-cooled fast reactor (GCFR) is regarded as the primary candidate for a future sustainable nuclear power system. In this paper a general core layout is presented for a 2400-MW(thermal) GCFR. Two fuel elements are discussed: a... more
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      Nuclear powerNuclear reactorNuclear technologyThree Dimensional
This report assesses the economics of reprocessing versus direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The breakeven uranium price at which reprocessing spent nuclear fuel from existing light-water reactors (LWRs) and recycling the resulting... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisNuclear reactorNuclear Fuel CycleNuclear technology
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'de bir nükleer güç santrali (NGS) kurulmasının Türk Dış Politikası'na nasıl yansıyabileceğini ele almaya çalışmaktadır. Bu konu uzun zamandır Türkiye'nin gündemindedir ve özellikle teknik özellikleri ile tartışmalara... more
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      Foreign PolicyNuclear technologyDış PolitikaNükleer Teknoloji
The technical and economic aspects of the use of molybdenum depleted in the isotope 95 Mo (DepMo) for the transmutation of actinides in a light water reactor are discussed. DepMo has a low neutron absorption cross section and good... more
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      Nuclear reactorNuclear technologyCross SectionInterdisciplinary Engineering
The pa per de scribes the pro ce dure of adapt ing a co ax ial high-pre ci sion ger ma nium de tector to a de vice with nu mer i cal cal i bra tion. The pro ce dure in cludes the de ter mi na tion of de tec tor di men sions and es tab... more
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      Nuclear technologyMonte Carlo Method
This pa per pres ents an over view of the "scal ing strat egy", in par tic u lar the role played by the coun ter part test meth od ol ogy. The re cent stud ies deal ing with a scal ing anal y sis in light wa ter reactor with spe cial re... more
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    • Nuclear technology
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      Nuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
1 Rus sian Re search Cen tre "Kurchatov In sti tute", Mos cow, Rus sia 2 In sti tute of Solid State Chem is try of the Ural De part ment of Rus sian Acad emy of Sci ences, Ekaterinburg, Rus sia 3 In sti tute of Metal Phys ics of the Ural... more
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      Nuclear technologyX Ray Spectroscopy
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    • Nuclear technology
North Korea had always desire to have nuclear weapons since its establishment and the United States nuclear missiles deployment in South Korea had established ground to begun the nuclear program during the Cold War period. North Korea... more
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      Nuclear PhysicsWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear WeaponsKorea (North and/or South)
The pros pect of manned space mis sions out side Earth's or bit is lim ited by the travel time and shield ing against cos mic ra di a tion. The chem i cal rock ets cur rently used in the space pro gram have no hope of pro pel ling a... more
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    • Nuclear technology
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      RecyclingSystem Dynamics ModelingSystem Dynamicsglobal Climate change
The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission recently developed the CANTIA (CANDU TM Tube Inspection Assessment) methodology for probabilistic assessment of inspection strategies for steam generator (SG) tubes as a direct effect on the early... more
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      ModelingNuclear technologyInterdisciplinary EngineeringSteam Generator
1 Rus sian Re search Cen tre "Kurchatov In sti tute", Mos cow, Rus sia 2 In sti tute of Solid State Chem is try of the Ural De part ment of Rus sian Acad emy of Sci ences, Ekaterinburg, Rus sia 3 In sti tute of Metal Phys ics of the Ural... more
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      Nuclear technologyX Ray Spectroscopy
Aunque la alianza entre ciencia y tecnología (CyT) ha sido prácticamente indisociable del progreso y el bienestar económico desde tiempos antiguos (Krige y Barth, 2006), es a partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (SGM) que se evidencia la... more
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      International RelationsInternational RegimesHistory of ScienceInternational Cooperation
In re cent years, re search con ducted in the US and in It aly has dem on strated pro duction of ra dio iso topes in plasma fo cus de vices, and par tic u larly, on what could be termed "en dog e nous" pro duc tion, to wit, pro duc tion... more
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      Cross sectionsNuclear technologyPlasma FocusRadioisotopes
The ex ten sive use of 64 Cu (T 1/2 = 12.7 h) as a pos i tron and elec tron emit ter ra dio iso tope in recent years has en sured its po ten tial to serve a dual role in the de vel op ment of mo lec u lar agents in PET and... more
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    • Nuclear technology
In the case of a hypothetical severe accident in a nuclear power plant, iodine is one of the fission products of major importance. It may be present in various gas-eous forms that could be released to the environment, impacting population... more
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      Nuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
This is a preprint of a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. Since changes may be made before publication, this preprint should not be cited or reproduced without permission of the author. This document was prepared... more
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      Fluid DynamicsFuel CellHydrogen ProductionSpecies conservation
1 Rus sian Re search Cen tre "Kurchatov In sti tute", Mos cow, Rus sia 2 In sti tute of Ge ol ogy of Ore De po si tions of RAS, Mos cow, Rus sia 3 Mos cow NPO "Ra don", Mos cow, Rus sia Sci en tific pa per Two pyrochlore ce ramic sam ples... more
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    • Nuclear technology
The re sults of ex per i men tal test ing of the dig i tal mul ti chan nel an a lyzer which digitalizes the sig nal af ter a preamplifier are pre sented. The re cord ings of some of the char ac ter is tics of the spec trom e ter con tain... more
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      Nuclear technologyExperimental Tests
GEANT4 based Monte Carlo sim u la tions have been car ried out for the de ter mi na tion of ef ficiency and con ver sion fac tors of a gas-flow ion iza tion cham ber for beta par ti cles emit ted by 86 dif fer ent ra dio iso topes cov er... more
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    • Nuclear technology
Many non-vol a tile im pu ri ties ac ci den tally in tro duced into the steam gen er a tor tend to con cen trate on its sur face in re stricted flow ar eas. In this way these im pu ri ties can lead to stress cor ro sion crack ing (SCC) on... more
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      Stress corrosion crackingNuclear technologyStress Corrosion CrackingSteam Generator
In the ac tion of NATO A-10 air planes in 1999, the cape Arza, Ser bia and Montenegro was con tam i nated by de pleted ura nium. The clean-up op er a tions were un der taken at the site, and 242 ura nium pro jec tiles and their 49 larger... more
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      Nuclear technologyDepleted Uranium
Three-dimensional (3-D) nonlinear site response analyses are conducted using finite element models of actual soil profiles from ten nuclear power plant (NPP) sites in the United States to investigate the effects of soil properties and... more
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      Nuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
identifies, characterises and analyses International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) normative requirements for the development and implementation of quality management systems in... more
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      Nuclear technologyIsoQuality StandardsInterdisciplinary Engineering
The ef fect of the den sity of en vi ron men tal sam ples on the count ing ef fi ciency of Ge detec tors used in gamma-spec trom e try was stud ied. The de pend ence e ff (r) was de termined for two HPGe de tec tors (rel a tive ef fi cien... more
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      Nuclear technologyGamma Ray
A pri mary-in ter ac tion based Monte Carlo al go rithm has been de vel oped for de ter mina tion of the to tal ef fi ciency of cy lin dri cal scin til la tion g-ray de tec tors. This meth od ology has been im ple mented in a Matlab based... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationMonte CarloNuclear technologyGamma Ray
1 Rus sian Re search Cen tre "Kurchatov In sti tute", Mos cow, Rus sia 2 In sti tute of Ge ol ogy and Ore De po si tions of RAS, Mos cow, Rus sia 3 Mos cow NPO "Ra don", Mos cow, Rus sia Sci en tific pa per
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    • Nuclear technology
... Fast multiple-path model to calculate radionuclide release from the near field of a repository. Auteur(s) / Author(s). ROMERO L. ; MORENO L. ; NERETNIEKS I. ; Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s). Royal inst.... more
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      Environmental ScienceModelingTransportNuclear Waste
This paper provides a comparison between the Best Estimate plus Uncertainty methodology with the Conservative Bounding methodology for Design Basis Accident analysis. Calculations have been performed with TRACE (for thermalhydraulic... more
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      Nuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
La tesis busca analizar el desarrollo nuclear de Argentina y México en el periodo comprendido entre 1945 y 1991, intentando aislar los factores que explican que, partiendo de potencialidades similares, ambos países lograran al cabo de 40... more
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      International RelationsHistory of ScienceArgentinaScience and Technology
Three sets of data cov er ing the 2004-2007 pe riod are ex am ined: two be ryl lium-7 series and ozone mea sured in ground level air. The mea sur ing sites are at three dif fer ent lo ca tions in Bel grade, Ser bia. The tem po ral evo lu... more
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      Nuclear technologyOzone
The de tec tion of haz ard ous ma te ri als has been iden ti fied as one of the most ur gent needs of home land se cu rity, es pe cially in scan ning cargo con tain ers at United States ports. To date, spe cial nu clear ma te ri als have... more
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      Fuzzy LogicHomeland SecurityNuclear technology
This re p ro d u c tio n was made fro m a co p y o f a d o c u m e n t sent to us fo r m ic ro film in g. W hile the m ost advanced te ch no lo gy has been used to photog ra ph and reproduce this d o c u m e n t, the q u a lity o f the re... more
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      Materials ScienceTime UsePower PlantSignal Analysis
The fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor and some proposed fusion reactors use clean fluoride salts as reactor coolants that have melting points above 450°C and generate tritium. Tritium diffuses through most hot metals, thus... more
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      Materials ScienceNuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering
Soviet and East European documents provide significant revelations about the interactions of North Korea and its allies. First, they show Pyongyang's longstanding interest in obtaining nuclear technology and probably nuclear weapons.... more
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      Political ScienceEast Asian StudiesChinaNuclear technology
Este capítulo tiene como objetivo hacer un breve recorrido por las trayectorias nucleares de los cinco países latinoamericanos con los programas atómicos más avanzados de la región, haciendo hincapié en el análisis de su evolución a lo... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyInternational RelationsHistory of ScienceArgentina
1 Rus sian Re search Cen tre "Kurchatov In sti tute", Mos cow, Rus sia 2 In sti tute of Solid State Chem is try of the Ural De part ment of Rus sian Acad emy of Sci ences, Ekaterinburg, Rus sia 3 In sti tute of Metal Phys ics of the Ural... more
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      Nuclear technologyX Ray Spectroscopy
Thermoluminescent MCP-N de tec tors based on LiF:Mg,Cu,P are by about 2 or ders of mag ni tude more sen si tive than TLD-100 de tec tors based on con ven tional LiF:Mg,Ti, which makes it pos si ble to use them in short-term mon i tor ing... more
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    • Nuclear technology
Experiments were performed in a scaled annular cavity design, to investigate melt dispersal from the reactor pit when the reactor pressure vessel lower head fails at low system pressure of less than 2 MPa. In the part of the experimental... more
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      Fluid MechanicsFluid DynamicsNitrogenNuclear technology
Incorporating full three-dimensional models of the reactor core into system transient codes allows for a "best-estimate" calculation of interactions between the core behavior and plant dynamics. Considerable efforts have been made in... more
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      Nuclear technologyInterdisciplinary Engineering