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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchAncient NubiaSudan ArchaeologyNorth Kordofan
The recently published HRW World Report 2010 features a particular chapter on Sudan whereby the monstrous Pan-Arabist tyranny´s practices and policies are summarily exposed and utterly denounced as far as the tyrannized land of Darfur and... more
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      Cultural StudiesAfrican StudiesInternational RelationsMiddle East & North Africa
Les recherches polonaises sur les peuples et les cultures de Kordofan – l’histoire et les résultats les plus récents ::: RÉSUMÉ ::: Les auteurs présentent l’histoire des recherches polonaises réalisées sur le territoire du Kordofan à... more
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      African StudiesArchaeologyAnthropologyEthnoarchaeology
The aim of this paper was to assess food security and poverty situation among rainfed agricultural households' in North Kordofan State. Structured questionnaire using stratified sampling technique was used to gather households' poverty... more
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      PovertyFood SecurityRainfed AgriculturePoverty and Inequality
The concept of participation is a cornerstone of development and democracy discourses, but studies on participatory development rarely examine the political regimes those policies are embedded in. Yet, in authoritarian contexts,... more
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      SudanAuthoritarianismParticipatory DevelopmentNorth Kordofan
Published in "Der Antike Sudan". MittSAG 32 (2021), 99-108
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchRemote sensing and GISGroundwater Resources Modelling Using Gis and Remote SensingSudanese Archaeology
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      Medieval HistorySaharan ArchaeologySudanese ArchaeologyAncient Nubia
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      Medieval HistorySaharan ArchaeologyAncient NubiaArchaeological field survey
The aim of the article is to present the history of two centuries of the archaeological research in North Kordofan. The particular emphasis is put on changes in research attitude in different periods and their unquestionable impact on... more
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      ArchaeologySaharan ArchaeologySudanese ArchaeologySudan
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      Remote SensingMedieval HistoryArchaeological GISSatellite remote sensing
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      Ancient NubiaSudan ArchaeologyNorth KordofanSudanese Western Desert
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      Saharan ArchaeologyArchaeological surveyMedieval NubiaAncient Sudan
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      ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural Anthropology
This paper presents some first results about the role of the Sudanese region of northern Kordofan as a region of interaction between the cultures of the Nile Valley and the Sahel zone. Until recent times, the cultures of... more
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      Remote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchAncient NubiaGIS and Landscape ArchaeologyMedieval Nubia
Basic information about fieldwork conducted in 2011. Survey of selected fortified sites and their archaeological context. Following sites were visited: Hosh El-Sheitan, Wad Mukhtar and Hosh el-Kab (Fortresses of Sudan project). In the... more
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      African StudiesArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
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      Archaeological GISSudanese ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology, Field Archaeology, Archaeological GISRemote sening
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      Medieval HistorySaharan ArchaeologySudanese ArchaeologyAncient Nubia
In spite of almost two centuries of archaeological research in north Kordofan and their interesting results, knowledge of the past of this area is in the realm of conjecture and vague analogies with the adjacent areas. It is hard not... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological GISSudanKordofan
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      PovertySudanNorth KordofanFood Secuirty
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      SudanTechnical efficiencyNorth Kordofan