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The governing equation for Darcy-Forchheimer flow of non-Newtonian inelastic power-law fluid through porous media has been derived from first principles. Using this equation, the problem of Darcy-Forchheimer natural, forced, and mixed... more
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      Heat TransferTransport Phenomena in Porous MediaPorous MediaNatural Convection
En los Yacimientos No Convencionales tipo Shale Gas se hace muy difícil una predicción del comportamiento de los fenómenos, que rigen el transporte del gas como difusión, la adsorción, y el flujo no Darcy, ya que estos no se rigen por los... more
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      PetroleumAdsorptionNumerical SimulationDifusión
Fluid flow in isotropic porous media with one porosity scale is a well understood process and a common scenario in numerous simulations published in the literature. However, there exists a class of porous materials that exhibit two... more
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      Finite Element MethodsNon Darcy FlowDouble porosity
A unified similarity transformation has been proposed which can deduce a class of possible similarity solutions during forced-, free- and mixed-convection flow of non-newtonian inelastic fluids through porous media under Darcy and... more
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      Transport Phenomena in Porous MediaPorous MediaNatural ConvectionMixed Convection
Numerical unsteady predictions are carried out for two-dimensional natural convective heat transfer in a saturated porous square domain sandwiched between two finite wall thicknesses. The horizontal boundaries of the cavity are adiabatic... more
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      Heat TransferTransport Phenomena in Porous MediaNatural ConvectionNon Darcy Flow