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New sustainable edible oil sources are desired to achieve supply chain flexibility and cost saving opportunities. Non-traditional fruit seeds are being considered because their constituents have unique chemical properties and may augment... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyFatty acidsNon-edible oilsOils and Fats
Diesel engines are preferred over spark ignition counterparts for heavy-duty applications and power generation plants because of their higher efficiency, durability, and productivity. Currently, the research interests have been propelled... more
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      EconomicsClimate ChangePolicy Analysis and Decision MakingRenewable Energy
There are concerns that biodiesel feedstock may compete with food supply in the long term, if the raw materials are vegetable virgin oils only. Therefore, throughout the world, large amounts of non-edible oil plants are available in... more
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      Performance Based Earthquake EngineeringEconomic feasibility of Biodiesel production from JatrophaNon-edible oilsEmission
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      Principal Component AnalysisInfrared spectroscopyNon-edible oils
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      BiodieselOptimization techniquesOptimizationVegetable Oils
The growing demand for green world serves as one of the most significant challenges of modernization. Requirements like largest usage of energy for modern society as well as demand for friendly milieu create a deep concern in field of... more
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      BiodieselMathematical ModelingJatropha curcasConceptual Blending
Biodiesel is one of the potential global liquid transportation fuels that might replace diesel. Government of India had launched a national mission on Biofuels with the aim of achieving a target of 20% blending of biodiesel by 2012. For... more
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      BiodieselBiodiesel ProductionNon-edible oilsReactive Extraction
Since the last few years lots of research and works have been conducted to identify non-edible seeds as a potential feedstock. The non-edible seeds are useful for extraction of oils. The plant oils from Ratanjyot (Jatropha curcas), Karanj... more
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    • Non-edible oils
Plant oils from Ratanjyot (Jatropha curcas), Karanj (Pongamia pinnata), Neem (Azadirachta indica), and Mahua (Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia) etc. have been extracted and exploited as non-edible feedstock for the bio-diesel production... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringOilEXTRACTION
Salvadora oleoides belonging to the family Salvadoraceae commonly known as Khakan is a very important tree-borne oilseed species found in arid and semi-arid areas of Punjab, Gujarat and Rajasthan. Seeds contain 35-50 % of fatty oil is... more
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      Industrial ApplicationBiodiesel ProductionCosmeticsNon-edible oils
This paper investigates the various physiochemical properties of different non-edible oils e.g. Neem oil (Azadirachta indica), Pitraj oil (Aphanamixis polystachaya), Karanja oil (Pongamia pinnata) and Castor oil (Ricinus communis)... more
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      Alternative FuelsNon-edible oils
Energy demand is increasing dramatically because of the fast industrial development, rising population, expanding urbanization, and economic growth in the world. To fulfill this energy demand, a large amount of fuel is widely used from... more
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      Performance StudiesBiodieselFuel propertiesNon-edible oils
The world today is faced with serious global warming and environmental pollution. Besides, fossil fuel will become rare and faces serious shortage in the near future. This has triggered the awareness to find alternative energy as their... more
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      Renewable EnergyBiodieselAlternative EnergyGlobal Warming
The energy security concern has been established as an alarming issue in context of petro diplomacy nowa-days. Global warming with rapid changes in climate, increase in price and depletion in reserve of fossil fuel are leading scientists... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyBiodieselPerformance
Nano-sized Carbon materials are synthesized from edible oils by a simple pyrolysis route. Three different vegetable oils, coconut oil with medium chain fatty acid, Mustard oil with short chain fatty acid, and Gingelly oil with long chain... more
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      PhysicsChemistryPyrolysisNon-edible oils
The energy security concern has been established as an alarming issue in context of petro diplomacy nowa-days. Global warming with rapid changes in climate, increase in price and depletion in reserve of fossil fuel are leading scientists... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyBiodieselPerformance
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical Engineering
The energy security concern has been established as an alarming issue in context of petro diplomacy nowadays. Global warming with rapid changes in climate, increase in price and depletion in reserve of fossil fuel are leading scientists... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRenewable EnergyBiodiesel
Biodiesel is one of the potential global liquid transportation fuels that might replace diesel. Government of India had launched a national mission on Biofuels with the aim of achieving a target of 20% blending of biodiesel by 2012. For... more
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      BiodieselBiodiesel ProductionNon-edible oilsReactive Extraction
Aluminum alginate (Al-A), a bio-based solid acid catalyst derived from natural brown algae extracted algin (polysaccharide) was studied for its physicochemical properties and catalytic activity as an acid catalyst via esterification of... more
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      CatalysisBiodieselResponse Surface MethodologyOptimization
Biodiesel production from non-edible feedstocks is currently drawing much attention due to legitimate concerns about the effects of using edible oil for fuel. Pangium edule Reinw is a non-edible feedstock. Pangium is a tall tree native to... more
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      BiodieselConceptual BlendingNon-edible oils
Fatty Amines – A Commercial Overview
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      Chemical EngineeringEdible oils and fats, biomass, food applicationsRefining Edible OilsNon-edible oils
This paper investigates the opportunity of biodiesel characterization and production from Ceiba pentandra seed oil. The biodiesel production was conducted by two step acid-base transesterification. The process was carried out using acid... more
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      BiodieselConceptual BlendingBiodiesel Production from MicroalgaeOxidation Stability