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      Borderlands StudiesReligious artSaintsNew Mexico Hispanics
...they were a people from the rural villages of New Mexico, who found their common origins in the Spanish colony’s slave trade with the nomadic tribes of the region. Silences have grown from their history because its historical and... more
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      Chicano StudiesLatino/A StudiesNative American StudiesHistory of Slavery
The Spanish colonization of New Mexico brought together populations with different perspectives on space and landscape, each drawing upon extensive cultural and historical roots. While in some cases Spanish and Pueblo attitudes exhibited... more
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      Native American StudiesHistorical ArchaeologySpatial AnalysisLandscape Archaeology
The Spanish colonization of New Mexico brought together populations with different perspectives on space and landscape, each drawing upon extensive cultural and historical roots. While in some cases Spanish and Pueblo attitudes exhibited... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyColonialismAncestral Pueblo (Archaeology)
People of Mexican Origin lacked broad based mobilization for civil rights during the midtwentieth century and failed to gain attention with national leaders unaware of the unique conditions in the Southwest. In the absence of these... more
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      U.S. law and public policy; civil rights and civil libertiesNew Mexico HistoryAnti-discrimination lawNew Mexico Hispanics
With the Columbian Quincentenary just a few years off, the Society of American Archaeology (SAA) puzzled its role in anticipating the inevitable events that would surround the 500th anniversary of European-Native American interactions. I... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyColonialism
Aunque este texto no se despliega en la plataforma (ignoro la razón) el pdf sí está guardado y se puede bajar y leer. Se trata de una reflexión metodológica sobre el recorrido de mi trabajo por diferentes momentos de la historia de... more
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      New Mexico HistoryRelaciones interétnicasNew Mexico Land GrantsNew Mexico Hispanics
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      New Mexico Land GrantsNew Mexico HispanicsHistoria y etnografía de Nuevo México
The term ''Hispanic'' groups people from Central and South America and the Caribbean, combining disparate cultures, languages, and ancestry, and masking biological differences. Historical and current admixture patterns within these... more
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      Dental AnthropologyNew Mexico Hispanics
Como un reducto de la cultura española en los actuales Estados Uni- dos, los santos de madera elaborados hoy en Nuevo México nos hablan de unas comunidades hispanas en busca de los símbolos de su identidad, de la esencia de su cultura,... more
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      Popular ArtsPopular religionNew MexicoArte Popular
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      New Mexico HistoryJudeo-Spanish (Ladino) languageLadino (Judeo-Spanish) Language and LiteratureCrypto Jews
Este capítulo documenta y analiza el desarrollo de la ocupación territorial como característica fundamental de los dos procesos de conquista que han ocurrido en la historia de Nuevo México, el español y el estadounidense, desmenuzando la... more
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      New Mexico HistoryPueblo IndiansNew Mexico Land GrantsNew Mexico Hispanics
Este artículo discute los retos metodológicos que involucra el análisis de colectividades marginadas dentro de los contextos multiétnicos típicamente derivados de procesos de colonización y conquista. Propone una aproximación... more
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      New Mexico HistoryHistoriografíaNew Mexico Hispanics
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      EthnicityAllostatic LoadHispanicsNew Mexico
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      New Mexico HistoryNew Mexico HispanicsNew Mexico archaeologyEarly New Mexico History
American Folklore Society, annual meeting, 17 October 2015
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      EthnobotanyNew Mexico Hispanics
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      Colonial AmericaHistory of Colonial MexicoNew Mexico HistoryColonial Discourse