New Historical Jurisprudence
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Recent papers in New Historical Jurisprudence
This draft is to become a chapter of the book project "Judicial Reform in Taiwan: Institutionalising Democracy and the Diffusion of Law" (Neil Chisholm ed., Routledge, forthcoming). The project bears on Taiwan's judicial reform of 1999.... more
This essay reflects on the relationship between the history of crime, the history of criminal justice, and the history of criminal law. It suggests an account of the historical analysis of criminal law that locates it within the general... more
Once legal history is reconceived as a mode of critical analysis of law (Neue Historische Rechtswissenschaft), what might it contribute to the project of "legal science" in Germany and beyond?
Auf den ersten Blick erscheint es, als hätten sich das angloamerikanische und das deutsche Verbandsstrafrecht um die Wende zum 19. Jahrhundert gekreuzt wie zwei Schiffe bei Nacht: Während das angloamerikanische Recht vor 1800 keine... more
This modest manifesto-or minifesto-portrays legal history as a mode of critical analysis of law, using the historical analysis of American penality as an illustration and the fullfledged manifestos by Piketty and Guldi & Armitage as... more
The historiography of the jury is interestingly schizophrenic, even paradoxical. On one side is the once traditional, and still popular, history of the jury as palladium of liberty. On the other side is the once revisionist, but now... more
Outline of a critical analysis of peace from an interdisciplinary and international perspective as an illustration of New Legal Science, with a particular focus on substantive criminal law.
This modest manifesto — or minifesto — portrays legal history as a mode of critical analysis of law, using the historical analysis of American penality as an illustration and the full-fledged manifestos by Piketty and Guldi & Armitage as... more