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Bundesverband der Vertragspsychotherapeuten e.V. (bvvp) Deutscher Fachverband für Verhaltenstherapie e. V. (DVT) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendmedizin e.V. (DGKJ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie,... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
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    • Neurotransmitter
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    • Neurotransmitter
Diese Praxisempfehlung zu Intensivbetreuungen basiert auf den aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Sie soll sicherstellen, dass Patienten psychiatrischer Einrichtungen die bestmögliche Versorgung erhalten. Denn auch in dieser... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
Serotonin is an ancient monoamine neurotransmitter, biochemically derived from tryptophan. It is most abundant in the gastrointestinal tract, but is also present throughout the rest of the body of animals and can even be found in plants... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
In the present study, the interaction between the amino acids of organophosphorus compound (Malathion) and the principal neurotransmitter acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were assessed through docking studies (i.e.,) with the help of... more
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      ChemistryInteractionAcetylcholinesteraseAmino Acids
Neurotransmission is a key process for communication between neurons. Mimicking neurotransmitter release with precise control in timing and dosage would provide a powerful tool to investigate brain functions and mechanisms. We developed a... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
Tryptamine the important psychotropic drug having indole ring has wider biological and pharmaceutical significance. The focus is to see the relevant and recent achievements as neurotransmitter and neuromodulator, vasoconstrictor and... more
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Excruciating romantic feelings stimulate concrete regions of the brain containing high amount of dopamine and norepinephrine, the chemical agents convoluted in producing joy, craving, addiction, increased attention and sleeplessness. They... more
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Science is a long, labor-intensive process through which the majority of inventions take years to develop. Yet, sometimes major breakthroughs emerge from unexpected sources or even apparent mistakes. The history of science is rich with... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
Physiological changes caused by COMT have been associated with different information processing profiles. The aim of this study is to investigate, by means of a literature review, if the COMT polymorphic types influence the performance of... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
Die frühzeitige Identifikation und psychotherapeutische oder medikamentöse Behandlung einer Depression bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose kann die Behandlung der MS möglicherweise verbessern. Eine retrospektive Analyse hat diesen... more
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      MedicineDepression PsychologyNeurotransmitter
This study aimed to define the pharmacology and physiological role of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the synapse between the hair cells and primary afferent neurons in the vestibular system. The spontaneous and mechanically... more
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      Cognitive ScienceChemistryBiologyMedicine
Otoferlin, an integral membrane protein implicated in a late stage of exocytosis, has been reported to play a critical role in hearing al-though the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. However, its widespread tissue distribution infers... more
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Elektro-und Magnet krampf therapie Hirnstimulationsverfahren in der klinischen Anwendung Ein Viertel der Menschen mit Depressionen vertragen konventionelle Therapien aufgrund von Nebenwirkungen nicht, fast ein Drittel der behandelten... more
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Der Verlust einer nahestehenden Person löst eine ganze Folge von Symptomen aus, die je nach Kultur und Kontext unterschiedlich gedeutet werden. Die Trauer ist die natürliche Folge der endgültigen Trennung von einer eng verbundenen Person.... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
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    • Neurotransmitter
Serotonin is an ancient monoamine neurotransmitter, biochemically derived from tryptophan. It is most abundant in the gastrointestinal tract, but is also present throughout the rest of the body of animals and can even be found in plants... more
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    • Neurotransmitter
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      Animal BehaviorCircadian RhythmsLocomotionNoradrenaline