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Panel 1 - Critique of history and history of critique with Christian Garland, Harry Cross & Matt Bolton

British Sociological Association (BSA), Durham University, 20th September 2017
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
The assertion above in the opening quote means to distinguish positionings towards this governing ideology through three approaches to neo-liberalism. Th~ politi~al and economic theory behind neoliberal ideology is one of the mam... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationHistory of EducationPhilosophy of Education
Panel 30: Great Refusals: Refusing One Dimensionality Today The Dialectics of Liberation in an Age of Neoliberal Capitalism International Herbert Marcuse Society Seventh Biennial Conference 26-28 October 2017 York... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
The paper argues that education often plays an important role in the process of social exclusion and that it can be seen as an instrument to maintain stratification. The goal of this paper is to discuss this particular role of education... more
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      EducationReproductionExclusionHidden Curriculum
‘Tai-Lao’ is a Chinese term which literally means low-skilled migrant workers from the lower class in Taiwan. In current Taiwanese society, this phrase is used to criticise those young Taiwanese wh...
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      Youth StudiesStigmaPolitical ScienceSymbolic violence
The number of Taiwanese working holidaymakers in Australia has grown rapidly over the last decade. They are criticized as ‘losers’ and are labelled ‘Tai-Lao’ in Taiwanese society. This thesis explores how Taiwanese working... more
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      IdentityWorking Holiday MakersCosmopolitansNeoliberal Ideology
‘Tai-Lao’ is a Chinese term which literally means low-skilled migrant workers from the lower class in Taiwan. In current Taiwanese society, this phrase is used to criticise those young Taiwanese who encounter difficulties in the... more
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      StigmaSymbolic violenceNeoliberal Ideology