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Özet Tarihin çok eski dönemlerinden beri doğada bulunan kaynakları kullanarak elde edilen boyarmadde, tekstilde ve daha birçok alanda kullanılmıştır. Bitkisel boyalarla boyama doğrudan yapılabildiği gibi, boya banyosuna bazı maddeler... more
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      TeaNatural Dyes, Mordants, Iron Age DyesFastnessDyestuff
Despite the vast variety of studies in the field of effect of different mordants on dyeing and fastness properties of wool with natural dyes, there is no thorough investigation on the effect of metal mordants on tensile properties of... more
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    • Natural Dyes, Mordants, Iron Age Dyes
This paper explores the mineral alum and its significance in Antiquity, thereby bridging the gap between the material and the written sources. As a mordant, it was essential in ancient dyeing industry. Considering the papyrological... more
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      Ancient HistoryTextilesLate AntiquityEgypt
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      Natural DyeingNatural Dyes, Mordants, Iron Age DyesNatural Dyeing of CottonNatural Dyeing of Textle
Interest in natural dyes for textile applications is growing due to toxic and allergic reactions associated with synthetic dyes and the stringent environmental standard imposed across the world. However, chemical mordant containing heavy... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringChitosanEnvironmental Sustainability
The present dissertation consists of the application of various physical and chemical methods for the analysis and investigation of historical textiles. A total of twenty-one samples of historical colorful textiles, from a variety of... more
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      Analytical ChemistryTextilesHistory of TextilesSilk Road Studies
Despite toxicity concerns of chemical mordants used in natural dyeing, there is limited research on the measurement, quality, and safe disposal of the chemical mordant effluent. This study measured the aluminum ions across the... more
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      Natural Dyes and their applicationsEco Textiles & natural dyesNatural Dyes, Mordants, Iron Age DyesMordants