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Questa tesi si propone di illustrare le influenze che il Giappone subì, tra XVI e XVII secolo, a seguito dell’ingresso dei portoghesi e di altri europei nel paese. I portoghesi furono infatti i primi europei ad entrare in contatto col... more
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      Japanese StudiesPortuguese StudiesMissiologyJapanese History
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      Asian LacquerEast Asian LacquerLacquer AnalysesLuso Asian
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      History of ScienceJapanese HistoryJesuit historyHistory of Astronomy
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      Visual perceptionBuilt EnvironmentRepresentation TheoryJapanese Art History
Namban screens, a well-known Japanese art form, were painted by skillful Japanese artists from the late 16th century to the 17th centuries. Approximately 90 of these screens have been handed down up to the present. Not only they show... more
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      Nautical ArchaeologyPortuguese ships and caravelsNamban ArtNamban Screen
In response to the arrival of Iberian traders and missionaries on the Japanese archipelago in the sixteenth century, local craftsmen developed a unique type of lacquer, called nanban, for European export. They adapted traditional... more
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      European and Asian LacquerAnthropology of TechniquesNamban Art
Abstract: Traditionally, nanban art has been seen as a simple product of exchanges between Japan, Portugal and Spain. The historiography tends to solely focus on artistic contributions of the Society of Jesus due to the foundation of a... more
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      Art HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryHistory of ArtHistoria novohispana
Abstract | Among the multiple influences and sources of inspiration that may have sparked the development of the art of Pasto varnish, this paper focuses particularly on those belonging to the Japanese export lacquer known as namban... more
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      Japanese StudiesArt HistoryLatin American and Caribbean HistoryEarly Modern History
The prayer space of missionaries in Japan consisted in a first phase of the use of rooms inside private houses or abandoned temples adapted for the purpose; a sec- ond phase saw the construction of buildings based on European standards.... more
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      History of JapanHistory of Japanese architecture, landscape design and urbanismNambanNamban Art
Il presente lavoro di ricerca mira ad approfondire e arricchire, mediante nuove acquisizioni, lo studio in merito alle opere pittoriche di committenza gesuitica custodite presso le fondazioni palermitane dell'Ordine: chiesa del Gesù a... more
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      Namban Artfondazioni gesuitiche a Palermo
Este ensaio visa focar-se numa análise literária, tendo em conta o conceito de ekphrasis e o poema Os Biombos Namban da autoria de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen e como estas se interligam. Como bibliografia passiva utilizar-se-á textos... more
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      EkphrasisSophia De Mello BreynerNambanNamban Art
In response to the arrival of Iberian traders and missionaries on the Japanese archipelago in the sixteenth century, local craftsmen developed a unique type of lacquer, called today Nanban, for European export. They adapted traditional... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistorical StudiesEuropean and Asian LacquerAnthropology of Techniques
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      Asian LacquerEast Asian LacquerAsian LacquersNamban
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      UrushiExport LacquerAsian Lacquer, Urushi, Furniture EngineeringAsian Lacquer
Nanban byōbu, screen paintings depicting the arrivals of Europeans in late 16th - early 17th century Japan, constitute one of the most numerous genres of Japanese painting. Long admired for their visual accounts of the brief encounter... more
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      Japanese HistoryGenre PaintingNanban ArtJapanese painting and calligraphy
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      Japanese ArtNamban ArtJesuits In Japan
Per Namban Art si intende un’espressione artistica sorta in Giappone a metà del XVI secolo dall’incontro con la civiltà occidentale, a seguito della missione evangelizzatrice condotta da san Francesco Saverio, in cui elementi della... more
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      Art HistoryGesuitiArte sacraStoria Dell'Arte Moderna
This research aims to deepen and enrich, through new acquisitions, the study about the jesuitical paintings commission kept at the foundations of the Order in Palermo: Jesus church in Professed House, Collegio Massimo of the Jesuits, St.... more
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      Spanish paintingThe Early Jesuits and Catholic ReformJesuitsPortuguese painting