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with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection or dissimilar... more
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      ElitismMulti-Objective OptimizationVilfredo ParetoDominance
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      Hub Location ProblemMatlabOptimization Algorithms (GA- PSO- HSA , ...)Clustering
Refactoring restructures a program to improve its structure without altering its behavior. However, it is challenging to preserve the domain semantics of a program when refactoring is decided/implemented automatically. Indeed, a program... more
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      Software MaintenanceSemanticsQuality ImprovementSemantic similarity
Abstract In this paper, experimentally derived correlations of heat transfer and pressure drop are used in a Pareto based Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) approach to find the best possible combinations of heat transfer and pressure... more
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      Multi-Objective OptimizationNSGA-IIHeat transfer enhancement
En este artículo se presenta una metodología para la reubicación óptima de transformadores en sistemas de distribución. El problema es formulado como un modelo de optimización multiobjetivo de tipo lineal entero, en el cual se consideran... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsAlgorithms
Reconfiguration, by exchanging the functional links between the elements of the system, represents one of the most important easures which can improve the operational performance of a distribution system. The authors propose an original... more
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      GeneticsArtificial IntelligencePower SystemsRenewable Energy
Paper presents a genetic algorithm based approach for synthesis of truss structure designs. Genotype represented as a collection of binary encoded nodes is decoded into the phenotype by applying the NodeSort algorithm. A genotype... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsNSGA-IITruss Structure Design SynthesisNodeSort
The primary objective of this work is to introduce the idea of using Pareto optimal solutions (POS) for the computation of relationships among the factors involved in seismic design of skeletal steel frames. To verify the capability of... more
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      Structural OptimizationSeismic DesignMulti-Objective OptimizationNSGA-II
There is a growing need for scalable search-based software engineering approaches that address software engineering problems where a large number of objectives are to be optimized. Software refactoring is one of these problems where a... more
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      Software EngineeringRefactoring (Computer Science)Search Based Software EngineeringNSGA-II
Networked Control Systems (NCSs) often suffer from random packet dropouts which deteriorate overall system's stability and performance. To handle the ill effects of random packet losses in feedback control systems, closed over... more
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      Control TheoryMultiobjective OptimizationLinear Matrix InequalitiesNSGA-II
The conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources is one alternative for optimal use of available water resources in arid and semiarid regions. The optimization models proposed for conjunctive water allocation are often... more
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      GroundwaterGroundwater modelingConflict ResolutionMulti objective optimization
Computational Grid (CG) creates a large heterogeneous and distributed paradigm to manage and execute the applications which are computationally intensive. In grid scheduling tasks are assigned to the proper processors in the grid system... more
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      SchedulingFault ToleranceMsNSGA-II
In this paper, we investigate the problem of visual coverage in visual sensor networks (VSNs). It is required to select a subset of sensor nodes to provide a visual coverage over the monitoring region at each point of time. In contrast... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmsVisual Sensor NetworksMulti objective optimizationMedia Coverage
Se presenta el desarrollo de una metodología que incluye un modelo metaheurístico basado en el Algoritmo Genético Ordenado Elitista No-Dominado (Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, NSGA-II) en un ambiente de producción Job... more
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      NSGA-IIJob shop schedulingFlexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
In this paper, we propose the use of preference-based evolutionary multi-objective optimization techniques (P-EMO) to address various software modelling challenges. P-EMO allows the incorporation of decision maker (i.e., designer)... more
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      Software EngineeringMultiobjective OptimizationSearch Based Software EngineeringSoftware modelling and simulation
Developing optimal operating policies for conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources when different decision makers and stakeholders with conflicting objectives are involved, is usually a challenging task. This problem would be... more
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      GroundwaterSupport Vector MachinesConflict ResolutionNSGA-II
This paper presents an application of elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) for solving a multi-objective reactive power market clearing (MO-RPMC) model. In this MO-RPMC model, two objective functions such as total... more
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      Multi-Objective OptimizationNSGA-IIPareto Optimality
In this paper, a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) based approach is presented for distribution system reconfiguration. In contrast to the conventional GA based methods, the proposed approach does not require weighting... more
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      Distribution SystemNSGA-IIReconfigurationNon-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm
The low-mass loading gas cyclone separator has two performance parameters, the pressure drop and the collection efficiency (cut-off diameter). In this paper, a multi-objective optimization study of a gas cyclone separator has been... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsGenetic AlgorithmsArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesMulti-Objective Optimization
This paper investigates the engineering development as an evolutionary process. Therefore it first reveals the benefits of evolutionary algorithms in engineering and considers the evolutionary design. Next it brings a simple analytical... more
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      Ship DesignMulti-Objective Evolutionary AlgorithmsRobust DesignNSGA-II
In this paper, we have proposed a new multi-objective supply chain problem related to the performance measure of a supply chain. The problem consists of four objectives, viz., 1) minimization of total cost, 2) minimization of total... more
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      Performance MeasurementSupply ChainNSGA-IIMulti-objective Evolutionary Algorithm